Electrical status The latest science fiction adventure in Netflix. The film, which was shown on Friday to The Streamer, is an adaptation to Simon StolnhajDystopian. He takes viewers to an alternative version of 1994. It is located in America with a completely different appearance in the background of a country that still brings itself after a civil war between the robots and human beings that the cities torn.
If this looks dark, it’s because the original topic is exactly. Stolhj’s story, just like many of his works, loaded with beautiful pictures that compensate for a sad narration.
In the electrical case, Millie Bobby Brown Michelle, a young woman who ventures in the post -terrible Mao to find her missing brother. The remnants of the countryside of the countryside war, leaving the mission impossible. This is until Kitts (which Chris Pratt plays) and the owner of Hermann’s robot (expressed by Anthony Maki). Together, they face a group of strange characters and fight the difficulties to re -communicate with her younger brother, and perhaps humanity itself.
If this looks little Schmaltzy, it is. This is all according to the design. As you can see, this version of State Electric – the most expensive film has ever made by Netflix – has a completely different tone from the beloved book on which it depends. This color shift was a point attached to many critics. But there is a clear reason for this change.
Like a friend’s friend and I love to say, There were meetings. This was a collective decision by Rousseau with Stolhj. During the zoom conversation with Joe and Anthony Rousseau, I used this topic to start our conversation, which turned into insightful exploring the long process of restoring electric life.
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Millie Bobby Bobon plays the role of Michel in the state of electricity on Netflix.
Joe Rousseau said: “What we liked more in the electrical state is the artwork and topics,” said Joe Rousseau. “But we felt, as fathers, that the topics – these are topics about technology and addiction to technology – will be more ringing and influencing with a younger audience than indulging in technology more than the older audience.”
The access was the key. It was not just the brothers of Russo who felt this way.
“Simon Stolhj has children and agreed.” “So we have reached this conclusion. You can tell a story in any tone, and you can go in any direction you want. Part of the fun of adaptation is that you adapt to a new form of himself. So this was the intention of converting the tone: to reach that smaller and broader audience.”
Throughout the operating period of more than two hours of the film, two topics are repeated: the separation of humanity due to the implementation of technology in our daily lives and dopamine addiction that comes with it. To reformulate Kindrik LamarRousseau tells the younger viewers “to turn off the TV.”
Chris Pratt is Kitts and Milli Bobby Brown is Michelle in the state of electricity on Netflix.
But how exactly they agree with the fact that they transmit this message to reduce the screen time through a story that must be seen on the screen, to start?
“There are only many ways to reach a wide audience,” said Joe Rousseau. “Whether it is a screen, a TV screen, or a phone screen, I would like to claim that they all have positives and negatives. In many ways, you are separated from the world to watch a story. What if the story, at the same time, can also see attention to what we have, or what we see in use, or what we see in use, or what we see in use, which is what we want to use, which we want to relieve technology , Or what we see in use, which is what we want to use for technology.
It should be noted that this is not the anti -technical advertising movie. Going in this direction will be very easy. Anthony Rousseau agreed, saying: “The message of this movie is not, Do not use technology“
He continued: “The film is about our contradictory relationship with technology and the fact that there are positive aspects of technology; there is a real human relationship that you can find in technology, but you can also find the opposite.”
Stand Keats’s Keats and Millie Bobby Brown from Millie Brown with Hermann and Cosmo robots in the electric state on Netflix.
Kittalat from the film was cited to support this statement: the relationship of the true love of Kitts with Hermann and Michelle’s robot to free her brother.
I cannot discuss the electrical situation without talking about captivating visual effects. It is safe to say that there are more robots than the actual human characters in the movie. Treating such a creative challenge means working tirelessly to ensure the emergence of technology and feel analog. I will admit that the distinction between practical effects and CGI was difficult. This is an achievement in itself.
So how many was numbered and how real was? I do not have accurate statistics. Anthony Rousseau said: “At any time the actors were interacting with a robot, we throw these robots,” said Anthony Rousseau. More specifically, they threw talented actors to play these robots.
“They are actual actors and fully dimensions trained for weeks and were tested for weeks and helped in developing these characters for weeks before they reach the group.” “With regard to how they move, we have a performance playing these robots on the group.”
The development of these unique robot characters has not stopped there.
“Many of these robots have been expressed by more famous actors,” said Anthony Rousseau. “We will show these actors the conceptual art that we had for characters, and we will download their audio performance, and we will use this audio performance with our motion band.”
The final product here after two years after production, during which more advanced digital drawings were implemented. “It took a long time in a post to get these things that look real and likewise,” said Anthony Rousseau. “There were many layers, and it was a commitment to perform a very real start between robots and actors.”
The end of the world robot looks a little different in The Netflix’s Electric State.
Almost three years have passed since Anthony and Joe Rousseau began shooting at the electric state. During our conversation, it was easy to see how related to the topic and each other regarding their love to convey feelings through stories. As Anthony Rousseau says, this is the link that viewers hope to face when watching the movie together.
“We think it can be a strong form of human communication, and it is of course a big topic in movies,” said Anthony Rousseau. How does people bring together? How does friends bring together?
With the laughter known from his brother, Anthony Rousseau brought our conversation to its end by saying a hearty smile, “This is what made us fall to the film in the first place.”
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