BBC World Service

Kalki Koechlin worked in popular Bollywood films, similar to the international beauty brands and appeared on the Vogue India cover. But in a world that puts this allowance on the small appearance, it sometimes says it is “ugly.”
“We live in a social world (the media) has distorted beauty,” the actor, writer and producer Podcast World Podcast, BBC World Service. “We have deceived you thinking about thinking is a specific size, color, or a specific shape.”
Half an hour program includes letters from parents to their children – where they transfer the lessons and life that concern them – and a conversation with the exhibition host Namulanta Kombo.
Kalki’s message is sent to her five -year -old daughter. In this, advice is provided to move around the body’s image and describe the methods that affected the standards of unrealistic beauty.
The actor, who lives in Gua in India with her Israeli music husband, Jay Hersberg and their daughter, says that an inspiration for the message came to her when the child came, after one day, to the child to say that she did not feel satisfied.
“When they are young, they are very ideal and think,” Oh my God. How can you think you are not beautiful?! “
In the letter, Kalki, who is the same as another BBC’s Bodcast host, my Indian life, wrote that she also feels “sometimes ugly, although I am telling me the world around me constantly that I am beautiful.”
Her daughter recommends that “beauty standards will change throughout your life, so she does not have a great value for what society sees beautifully.”
“Remember that your scars, your wrinkles, your eyes, your lips, your hand, your feet, your hair, and your skin are all witnesses to your beautiful life. They are here to grow up with you, and they carry you up and down. They are your friends for life,” she wrote.

Kalki was born in Puducherry, India, for French fathers, as “an introverted introverted” during its inception. She is a teenager, she says, she was uncomfortable with her appearance, and followed a profession on the camera that only intensified these feelings.
“To become a celebrity, the presence of your face there and my presence in front of the camera … there is another layer of self -awareness that begins.”
She works in the film industry, and says she was subjected to special pressure to maintain a young appearance. She once says, even a product suggested for lunch to get leather filling materials for wrinkles.
He said: “All you need is a small filling for your laughter lines.” I smiled and said, “Well, it is better to stop smiling a lot.” So I think my approach was to deal with it with humor. “
Calki says that this happened when she was in her thirties and that she had “already lived a sufficient life so that she was not affected.”
“But I know that children between the ages of 20 and feel pressure to go and change their face very early.”
Calki says she believes this pressure is getting worse due to the rise of social media. “We all examine (ourselves) and we all all of these filters.” In her message, her fears shared her to try to protect her daughter from this scrutiny.
It is jokingly that she even wondered about the move to Australia when I heard about the country’s plans to ban smartphones for less than 16 years. “This is how the mother brain works! “

Kalki is not the only celebrity that talks about pressure for the appearance of young women facing women in the eyes of the audience.
A representative of the strange things Millie Bobby Brown Take headlines Earlier this month to summon journalists who criticized the way they presented.
“The fact that adult writers spend their time to dissect my face, my body, and my unpleasant options,” said a 21 -year -old girl in a three -minute video on the Instagram page.
Her dear daughter Podcast is a daughter of Namolanta Combo’s ideas, and she is a mother of Nairobi in the search for a “life booklet” for her daughter, through the advice of parents from all over the world.
Each episode contains a guest who reads a letter he wrote to their children, their children in the future, or children who have not been unprecedented, with advice, life lessons and personal stories they want to transfer.
In one of the episodes of the current season, the actor Bridgerton Foxoa andoh tells her three children to trust in their instincts. In another, the documentary of Rae Wynn-Grant provides advice on how to survive in doubt and confrontations with bears.
Calki speech
Her dear daughter
One day after school she told me, “Maman is not beautiful.” I was just four. I felt panic and responding immediately, “What do you mean, of course you are beautiful, you are beautiful like a butterfly, bright like the sun.” And she continued to say angrily, “I am not, I am not.”
In the past, I wish I had listened to you and I was curious enough to ask you why you didn’t feel beautiful? I see that I make mistakes as well, execute my insecurity and need to protect you, and I have not allowed you to feel what you feel. Do not let others decide who you are. Not even me. You have much more experience in being more than anyone else. No one can be better than you.
Fortunately, I get second chances to be a better mother, and when I said a few weeks later, “I don’t like myself,” I stopped motivating me to tell you what I was listening to and listened to. There was some silence, then you opened how you were difficult with some other school children.
I thought about how to make sure you know beauty is not deep. The truth is sometimes you will feel ugly. I feel that I am sometimes ugly, although I am constantly telling me the world that I am beautiful. Now I have made it clear to you to tell you how beautiful you are, not when you feel bad about the way you look, not when you wear your best, but when you are the best versions of you.
As you get older, I know that you will not always believe that you are beautiful because we live in a social world that has distorted beauty, our deception in thinking is a specific size, a specific color or shape. These beauty standards will change throughout your life, so do not have the great value of what society sees beautifully.
Remember that you are complete and that if you start to dismantle your little nose, hair browser or your non -right ears, you will start feeling ugly, but this only because you forget everyone. The elephant is a beautiful animal, but its choice is far and has a long symmetrical nose, strange side eyes, huge ears with a large stomach of fat.
Remember that your scars, your wrinkles, your eyes, your lips, your hands, your feet, your hair, and your skin are all here as witnesses for your beautiful life, and they are here to become the elderly with you, and they carry you through ascending and landing, they are your friends for life.
Her dear daughter, do you know when I will stop your love? never.
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