- two Boeing Starliner’s astronauts have come to Earth yet Unexpected accommodation for nine months at the International Space Station. Most people will not risk eternal life in space for a million dollars – but astronauts did so much less: just over $ 150,000 annually without additional work or wages.
The Internet was worried with anxiety used by the Boeing Starlener astronauts, which was crossed in space for nine months. Initially, they launched their test trip in June 2024, expecting the journey to take only a week. But after many defenses in Starlener capsules in Starlener failed during fusion, astronauts were stuck in orbit until yesterday, March 18, 2025.
It is an existential nightmare for most – and there is no amount of money that would convince some people of the dangers of the job. But NASA’s astronauts like Boeing Starlener Sony Williams and Boot Willmore are the brave profession for a very little: they make an annual salary of $ 152,258, according to NASA. 2024 wage rates.
In addition, they do not get additional work or any wages stumbling down the danger of the situation.
“There is no) risk salaries, there is no additional time, there is no time for companies.” He said Marketwatch. “There is no financial incentive to stay in space for a longer period.”
NASA spokesman confirmed with luck They pay 40 hours a week, with no additional holidays or weekends. Despite the fact that they are at work literally after work.
They added that astronauts receive cross amounts for each day in space-but because they are on a long-term temporary duty, it is about 5 dollars per day only. This is about $ 1430 to stay for 286 days.
“When NASA’s astronauts are on board the international space station, they receive regular salaries for 40 hours a week.” luck In a statement. “While they are in space, NASA astronauts are provided on official travel orders as federal employees, and thus their transportation, housing, and meals are provided.”
The salary will be modified to reflect wage increases in 2025, but Boeing Starliner’s astronauts spent most of the nine months in orbit during 2024. Compared to other high -wage jobs without any little risk to scratch, this wage can feel not appropriate to the risks.
But Williams and Wilwmore knew that hiccups for nine months came with the region, and actually refuted the idea that they were left to dry. It is part of their job that they settled comfortably.
“This was the speech. He said in Interview with CNN last month. “But this is not what is going on around the human faceflight program.
It is a dangerous job – but astronauts have their own motivation
When most people think about six numbers jobs, they think about white -collar -collars -collar -controlled vehicles. It may be not reasonable to enter into law, consultations, or banking-given that there is no physical danger to the table for these professions.
Compared, bankers in New York make Average 111,000 dollars annually, without the risk of an unspecified survival in a dark, chest, inhabited space. Consultants in the same area I can set fire to 137,000 dollars, advice to customers with the comfort of their offices or sofas. Even the average sales in the city It can make More than $ 200,000 without any rooted risk of damaging expected customers and selling products.
But astronauts may not be motivated by money. The profession of dreams has been long for many-despite new professions such as YouTube users and video game creators who are making more than 10 % of the UK and American children dream of becoming astronauts. This role was in the top five of our professional aspirations, according to 2019 Ticket from Lego.
Space pioneers such as Williams and Wilmmore are ancient warriors in their craft – and in the nine months he spent at the space station, they were allocated for maintenance and research. They have I was busy with inspection Devices, arrangement of goods, help in science tests, perform technical demonstrations, and check Starliner. Help Wilmore in a new Airlock composition, Williams was testing the sport in the low -gravity of the coach. Their work at the International Space Station improves NASA’s knowledge base – and to help maintain a basic destination for astronauts.
Their passion for exploring space makes the salary of $ 150,000 seems worth it. It is an one -time opportunity to go to space and that the traveler of the universe that many people imagine is about becoming. While Fiasco in Boeing Starliner may seem a nightmare for some, astronauts simply have more time in the job they love.
Ken Borzox, head of the satellite operations mission and former NASA astronaut, said, Last week: “Every astronaut is launched in space, we teach them not to think about it when you return home.
This story was originally shown on Fortune.com
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