Blaise officials say 3 American women are dead due to the poisoning of the first carbon monoxide

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By [email protected]

The authorities in Blaze said on Wednesday that three American women were found last month during On vacation He died in the country as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The three women from the state of Massachusetts, Kotar Conquests, Iman Malah, who is 24 years old, and 26 -year -old Walfai Al -Ara, Consciousness was found in their hotel room At Royal Coal Beach Resort in February. Investigators in Belize said last month that women had a accumulation of fluid in their lungs, but they are still awaiting the results of the final test for the cause of death.

Jian Chu, CEO of National Forensic Sciences Service, said on Wednesday that all three women had the levels of Carboxheimoglobin higher than 60 %. Carboxhemoglobin levels Usually less than 2 % in non -smokers and less than 5 % in smokers.

Carbon monoxide It is a gas without smell, in colorless and produced at any time when fossil fuels are burned. Sergeant poisoning can occur when home appliances such as ovens, kirosene heaters, stoves, lanterns, and generators can be produced.

Police Commissioner Blaise Chester Williams said that as a result of the results, the authorities conducted a second test for the hotel room for carbon monoxide poisoning after the initial test that did not show any signs. Williams said they are still waiting for the results of the final test.

The authorities also found and tested the alcohol and the government in the room. Thc was found in one of the elements, but unlawful materials were found in the bodies of the three women.

“While we are not shattered because of the loss of these three bright lights in our world, we feel incredibly comfortable with the results of this investigation and we have those who completed it in a comprehensive and independent way,” said the families of the deceased in a joint statement.

“We have said since the beginning of this investigation that their deaths were suspicious and raised concerns about the initial reports in the media. While the official discovery today puts this initial reports, we hope that this law enforcement authorities will give before they made similar suggestions during the future investigations,” “Survivors like our families deserve their best sincere work. We received them today but we needed them during this investigation process.”

“Our families are still incredibly grateful for the flow of support we received from family, friends, leaders and loved ones since their death. We appreciate the privacy that has been extended to our families during our sadness, and they are also grateful to the media that helped ensure that Wafae, Imane, Kaoutar and the impact of their loss are a major part of covering your news.” “Our families ask about continuous prayers, patience and privacy as we move in this unimaginable loss. I hope that their beautiful souls will be based on eternal peace. We will love you forever and miss you, Cotar, Iman, and Wafay.×630/6ece6254a241eb11a27a77f09be52b55/revere1.jpg?v=95354023eeb6141c58c08d9a5716f291

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