Before the “Locked” show, director David Yarovsky appeared (“Brightburn” and “Nightbooks”) a surprise to thank the distinguished journalism and guests in the audience, as this will be the first time that the movie is watching with a crowd of friends and colleagues. “When I started making this movie, I cannot tell you the number of people who said,” Wonderful, this is a completely flowing movie “(…) so it is surreal because when you walk in AMC and see it on the screen like this, you do not know that it is a small independent movie.” It is right. “Locked” is the type of independent excitement that it used to be the bread and butter of the movie Theater-seats with a low/high budget like “The collapse” of Court Russell Or the Jeff Jeffs and Tommy Lee Jones vehicle, “in the far away” – which is now immediately dumped on the current and lost to the emptiness of the algorithms. It is often said in the aftermath of the axis of industry Depending on the great privileges that were left success through huge irresponsible budgetsBut they are really no longer like this.
Fortunately, “Locked” is a reminder of a dear era, for good and bad. The latest addition to the law “White people did what? You stumbled where?” Subgenre from movies (Nerobam Dakal, nicknamed HUGEASMAMOTH“Locked” Bill Scarsgard is trading in the Count Urong Sharp for the Davidson Beit Davidson Arrangements to play Eddie, a young criminal who quickly realizes that he broke into a wrong luxury vehicle after he found himself besieged inside a car engraved owned by a man named William (playing a female). This deadly car can only exist as a result of the wealthy gagger with a dirty slice in the shape of a hurry on his shoulder and road A lot of time on his hands.
It was produced by the horror legend Sam Raimi and the redesign of the Argentine movie “4×4”, your miles may differ with “Locked”, which is an intimate piece with custom offers and an objective objective core confused strangely, but the excitement leaves a lot of desirable.
Both is very restricted and above the top
Once Eddie is in The Fance, unique Dolus (it’s a modified Land Rover), the film must find ways to watch one man trapped in an entertaining experience. For the largest part, “Locked” is successful. Unlike “4×4”, the film includes a series of security cameras that sometimes allow the audience to see Eddie from the perspective of William, but it often feels attention and cuts the tension that is beautifully built from Skarsgård performance. Over the years, it has proven to be one of the most endless artists, so the disruption of its flow becomes frustrated.
In addition, frustration is to adjust the film with regard to its social policy. Eddie and William are involved in discussions about systematic neglect, the failure of the criminal justice system, poverty, and generations divisions, but it does not swing heavily. The comparison is the thief of joy, but “4×4” expands the conflict out and brings the discussion to the streets (literally), while “Locked” keeps it in a state between William and Eddie. The car works as a photo for society, but by maintaining it very intimate, it also loses the nuances of the complexity of these conversations when it is taken into account in the fact that social groups are not homogeneous. Looking at the current political climate, I often left sterilization, I feel as if the film is dealing with such dangerous topics.
But at the same time, “Locked” is a very unlimited movie (free), with more violence and some scenes of the shocking painting that will quickly mention the audience that this is the production of Sam Raimi. From here the movie really picks Steam, with a terrifying chase scene that includes William that dominates remotely to search for Eddie’s little daughter on her way home from school that works as a parked piece of the entire movie. Tension is so effective that you forget that earlier, we had to listen to Hopkins the “operating” word weapon.
If the film adopts the Gonzo team more and completely committed to the exploitation of a political satire, this would have the ability to be a sleeping success. As much as it hurts to say that, “Locked” feels a future recipient of the A /Film article with a title like “This Forgetten 2025 Thriller finds a new life on Netflix” (Like this one), Although they are, all the things that were taken into account, very fun in movies.
Anthony Hopkins gets his kicks that torment Bill Scarsgard
“Locked” lives and dies through Bill Skarsgård shows trapped in cars and mockery of Anthony Hopkins on the loudspeakers in the car, and the two are clearly suffering from an absolute explosion. William Hopkins in particular seems to have a right in a field wandering in Eddie Scarsgard at any time when the F bomb falls, and Scarsgard persuades the audience without trouble that he is mistaken for killing throughout the operating period. When Hopkins finally appears in the body, it is important that this is not only the best at all, but a few shy years of 90 did not slow down a little.
But it is strange that the film tension is undermined a little through how difficult Pollyam is. While Eddie, on paper, the person in the “error” to storm the car, in the current American climate, it is impossible to see as anything other than the victim. William is the embodiment of the wealthy elderly who complain of changing the neighborhood in Nextdoor, and even when it was revealed that he was subjected to a tragic loss at the hands of unprecedented criminals, it is difficult not to think. ” “At least with a panorama, we understood that his crimes are the last effort. William is just a social meeting as a result of the failure to deal with his shock. His decision to torture is not targeted for him, specifically. Instead, this random man forces to endure his wrong anger. William suffered a tragic loss due to the systematic failures of our government and the judicial system, and instead of remembering who is the true enemy, he decided to do so anyone He looks at a personal problem less than that. Here lies the true power of “Locked”.
Are we not all only “the poor stuck in the car of the rich man covered with vitality without any control of our surroundings” in life?
/Film classification: 4 out of 10
It opens “closed” in theaters on March 21, 2025.
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