Alec Baldwin and Hillaria BaldwinHer daughter Maria Luca Victoria has some clear favorite foods, such as pizza, some of which cannot be predicted – including worms.
During Sunday, March 16, an episode of TLC’s BaldwinAlec, 66, and the daughter of the Great Hillarya, Carmen, 11 years old, asked her younger brothers about their favorite foods. Maria Lucia Victoria, now 4, and the worms mentioned in joy, That relates to Carmen.
“Wait. My mom, are they actually eating worms?” Hillarya, 41, asked, answered, “No. This is just 3.”
Maria Lucia did not agree, though. Her mother confirmed She does “eat worms” before her brother Eduardo “Edo” Pao Lucas, 4, mentioned the beamworms as his favorite food. The siblings also agreed that the pizza was an important meal in their families.
Elsewhere in the episode, Hillarya Frankly discuss ascending and landing It was faced when expanded and the family of Alec. The couple, who have been married since 2012, will participate seven children: Carmen Gabriella, Raphael Thomas, 9 years old, Leonardo Angel Charles, 8 years old, Romeo Alejandro David, 6, Eduardo “Edo” Pao Lucas, Maria Lucia Victoria and Katalina Irina, 2.

Altech too Participated daughter Ireland Baldwin With his ex -wife Kim Basinger. A preview of the next week’s episode showed Ireland, 29, which first appeared in the series when sitting for lunch with HIRIA. Earlier this season, Elck admitted that he was not always the best with Ireland.
“My relationship with my daughter Ireland was negatively affected by my mother – and she has a very lengthy nursery battle.” “Perhaps the financial statements were a year and a half, and everything was another custody. It was just crazy and truly difficult.”
Baldwin has issued an apology to Ireland (who now became my mother herself for his daughter Holland, 22 months), adding: “One of the most unfortunate things was how she affected Ireland. But she has grown and 29 years old. I have a good relationship with her and she loves children (I participate with Hillarya). She is sweet for them and she is their older sister, but she is not in that package.”
“This is the reason why I focused on” my daughter “Carmen and I want to have a good relationship with her. Because I have a girl again.”
While HIIRIA and Alec You did not retreat in the showRecently, the couple admitted that they did not know what they were sharing with Baldwin.
“I think we did not think much about it, which is what I look back now while I was thinking,” What were we thinking? “But at the same time, I am very happy because we did it because it is very raw and it is very true and it was very weak time.” US weekly Wednesday, 12 March. “It is interesting to look back, and although it hasn’t been long, it was really notes on how to deal with us and advance. I am very grateful because we did that and we were very lucky for the people we did with, and I do not say that lightly.”
Meanwhile, Alec joke that he “did not make any decisions” during the first season. “I had no inputs at all.” “My wife and Sarah (Reddy) Just pushed me throughout the day for months. “
Baldwin It is broadcast on TLC on Sunday at 10 pm East.
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