AT & T Mark Klein, which revealed Secret NSA,

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By [email protected]

Mark Klein, a former AT & T technician who turned into violations that revealed collective monitoring by the US government, died at the age of 79.

Klein was published in 2006 with documents revealing that the National Security Agency was using a secret room at the AT&T Center in San Francisco to take advantage of the spine of the Internet.

Behind the reputation door now Room 641AThe visual lines created an identical version of raw online traffic and directed it to NSA.

Klein’s disclosure was to emphasize that the United States government was reaching internet data on millions of Americans who used the powers that Congress granted in the wake of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

In 2013, the NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, leaked thousands of documents classified for journalists who explain in detail NSA monitoring around the world.

Klein’s death was Electronic Borders Foundation confirmedThe San Francisco digital rights set for which Klein has turned, which continued to prosecute the federal government in the wake of Klein’s disclosures. The case was finally rejected.

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