Ask a dietitian: Should I take my calories?

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By [email protected]

Four slices of toast with a different layer, including creamy spread, chopped leafy vegetables, chopped vegetables, and dried tomatoes. Manual captures one of the slices. Ideal for those who realize calories in exercise or search for approved options from the nutritionist, this toast is arranged against a white background. MyfitnessPal Blog

If you are exercising, you may ask about the number of calories burned by sweat sessions. Some airports or other heart machines even showcase the number of calories that you are supposed to burn during your work.

But should you eat calories in exercise? It seems logical to add it to the daily calorie goal and enjoy an additional light meal.

But the truth is, there is no simple answer or no answer to this burning question. Whether you should eat these calories in exercise depends on several factors, including your specific goals, exercise routine, and how your body feels.

“It is always better to listen to your body signals,” says MYFITNESSPAL BROOKELLL who dietician.

“Are you hungry and do you need to fuel your body? Then it is better to listen and consume these calories regardless of your calorie goal.”

Aside from hunger, let’s explore many factors that can direct your decision on whether you will eat calories in the field of exercise and how to make the best option for your personal health goals and fitness.

It is not an accurate science

Most fitness tracking devices and applications estimate the number of calories you burn during exercise, but remember: These are just estimates (1).

White says: “The power expenses track devices are not completely accurate,” says White. So eating these calories may mean that you will eat more calories than you spend, which makes it difficult to lose weight or maintain it. White says: “It is very common for people to exaggerate in estimating the amount of calories burned, and also reduce the amount of calories The thermal they consume. ”

A study from the University of Cornell found that almost everyone misunderstood calories. People who wear a natural weight tend to reduce about 20 % (2). Some other sources indicate that the contradiction may reach 50 %! (2).

“In addition, the calories burned in exercise are not equivalent to the same increase in the total calories burned for this day,” explains Nelson. In other words, if you burn 100 calories through the exercise, you will increase the burning of daily calories only by about 70 calories (5). “

This may make this difficult to maintain calorie deficit, which is necessary to lose weight, or avoid eating more than your body’s maintenance needs.

About experts

Brukil White, MS, RDIt is a registered dietitian and dietary data in myfitnessPal. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree and Master at San Diego State University and completed her training at Sdexo. The areas of their concentration include metabolism, intestinal health, obesity and weight management.

Stephanie Nelson, MS, RD He is a registered dietitian and is a myfitnessPal nutritionist and the nutrition world. A passion for promoting healthy lifestyles, Stephanie graduated from San Diego State University with a focus on research and disease prevention.

The factors that must be taken into account in determining your calories goals

Several factors can help you determine whether you should take these calories:

Weight goals

If you want to gain muscles and do not focus on weight loss, it may make sense to eat your calories. You may need these additional calories to fix muscles and growth (3).

If weight loss is your goal, Nelson recommends that calories in the exercise are burned when setting your activity in myfitnessPal. It can help ensure that you eat adequately. “This will increase the goal of daily calories slightly, but not as much as it may be a typical exercise.

The severity of the exercise

If you are a marathon or triple, this is different from whether your typical exercise is 20 minutes’ walk.

“People who participate in an hour or more of moderate exercises will need high -density several times a week, most likely to these additional calories to support muscle repair, growth and taste of exercises,” White explains (3).

However, if you are practicing frequently or less intense, you may not need additional fuel.

The level of hunger

One of the best ways to determine whether you will eat calories is to listen to your body. According to the bitch, it can be very simple.

“Ask yourself,” am I hungry? “If the answer is yes, it is better to listen to these calories and consume them by eating nutritious foods.” Low -calorie and high -protein foods such as Greek yogurt can be a great option.

4 tips on how to determine whether the calories should be taken for exercise

If you are still not sure if you will eat your calories, these tips from white can help direct your decision:

1. Start a moisture examination

Clinical studies have shown that 37 % of people make a mistake for hunger (4). Before reaching food, check the levels of hydration. Get a cup of water first and know if hunger is declining.

2. Do not find numbers

Remember that fitness tracking devices provide calories. Do not feel pressure to eat in all burned calories during exercise if you are not hungry or your progress suggests that it is not necessary. At the same time, you are not hungry in order to reach the calorie goal.

3. Focus on high -quality protein and carbohydrates

If you decide to eat some calories for exercise, the last priority for nutritious foods that will help recover, such as lean proteins and whole grains. This helps to ensure high -quality calories that support your fitness goals.

5. Spread meals and snacks

If you collected 500 thermal prices, you will not need to take it in one blow. Instead, consider spreading it to a few meals or snacks throughout the day. This can help prevent excessive eating and maintain fixed energy levels.

Why does myfitnessPal add calories?

MyfitnessPal The calories add the exercise to the daily calorie goal to help you balance energy consumption with your energy expenses.

Brookell White also notes, “Your calorie goal is calculated based on your weight goals, depending on whether you want to lose, air conditioning or weight gain. Technically. Eating your calories will be fine.”

White says this choice should always depend on your individual position and goals.

The bottom line

In the end, whether you should eat your calories depends on your situation.

If you are trying to lose weight, be careful to eat it. If you focus on building muscles or maintaining your weight, eat these additional calories if you are hungry.

Either way, it is necessary to listen to your body, monitor your progress, and make adjustments as needed.

Posted in December 15, 2016; Updated on February 17, 2025

Pamphlet Ask a dietitian: Should I take my calories? First appear on MyfitnessPal Blog.


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