Artificial intelligence improved the performance of both individual and team performance. Will companies draw the correct lessons from it?

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By [email protected]

Hello and welcome to the eye for artificial intelligence. In this edition: A new study indicates that Amnesty International can be a team player … Openai promotes the operations manager while CEO Sam German focuses on focus … Apple shakes its team of artificial intelligence amid frustration due to the delay in apple intelligence features … a new revolutionary way to predict the weather … and AI turns architecture.

Evidence of AI’s positive impact on productivity continues. But while many CEOs view Amnesty International as an alternative in the end human work, in the hope that this will eventually lead to fully automated tasks and providing the number of employees, data indicates that this is not the best way to think about technology. Yes, in a few cases, Amnesty International can completely automate some tasks. But in most cases, artificial intelligence systems today-including the so-called “artificial intelligence agents” like Salesforceand servicenowand MicrosoftAnd Google – it cannot yet be relied upon to do so. Instead, artificial intelligence systems should be considered as a supplement to human work – a way to raise people’s performance, not to replace them.

The latest support for this offer comes Wonderful study By a group of researchers – from Harvard University, Warton College of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Essik Business College in France, and the giant of consumer products – and published as a work card in the SSRN research warehouse. (Among the authors are Ethan Malik from Warton, who attracted huge social media to obtain advice on how to use artificial intelligence to work effectively.)

In 2024, the researchers conducted a workshop for the development of one -day virtual products in P&G, with the process designed to reflect those consumer products. Use famous– Except this time with the development of artificial intelligence. In particular, this workshop included the “seeds” stage for the development of products – which revolve around the brainstorm of many possible new products ideas and embrace them to the point where a decision can be taken on whether it will be tested on a larger scale. P&G usually sets two teams of two people consisting of one person from commercial operations and an expert in research and development one to work together on brainstorm ideas. In this case, the researchers seized 776 P&G employees of trade, research and development and their eyes randomly to do one of the following: Work alone; Work alone, but with access to the AI ​​Truce assistant on the basis of the GPT-4 model from Openai; Working in the usual brainstorming team of two people consists of one commercial person and one person R&D; Or work in the usual composition of two people, but with the arrival of the artificial intelligence assistant.

Then the groups were assigned to reach new ideas for consumer products in the various sections of the P&G in which they worked (children care, feminine care, grooming, and oral care). Then these ideas were evaluated by human judges with both related commercial and technological experience.

AI raises individual performance – a lot

Two presidents are generally better than one, so it is not surprising that individuals who work alone and without reaching artificial intelligence did the worst. But it turned out that individuals, with the help of artificial intelligence, have, on average, are better than the difference than two people without Amnesty International. In fact, the performance of these individuals with the help of AI-Ai was not better than the difference of two people working with artificial intelligence. This may lead to the conclusion that artificial intelligence can be a good alternative to human work-which leads to the delivery of a company like Procter & Gamble to reduce its two-people product team teams to single individuals with the help of Amnesty International.

There were some other great benefits for individuals working with artificial intelligence as well. Individuals working with artificial intelligence were able to work faster – as there was less than 16 % less to reach an idea compared to people working without artificial intelligence, while the teams working with artificial intelligence were 12 % faster.

Working with artificial intelligence was also better than “Bowling alone” – individuals reported more positive and less negative feelings during the process of thinking about the product than the only unaccreditly wolves.

More importantly, people who work alone tend to reach ideas that are mainly suitable for their professional silos – commercial people who prefer product innovations that were mostly about new commercial ideas (changes in brands, packaging or marketing strategy) while specialists in research and development prefer technological innovations. But when with the help of artificial intelligence, these individuals have made mixed curricula, combining both artistic innovation and commercial innovation-as did the human human peer. The researchers wrote: “This indicates that artificial intelligence is not only served as an information provider, but as an effective mechanism for border turning, which helps professionals think about the traditional field limits and the problems of approaching more comprehensively.”

Helping the difference to be unusual

But before you jump to the conclusion that artificial intelligence should be used to reduce the sizes of the team, it is important to point out the perhaps the most interesting results in the entire study: the two teams that work with artificial intelligence have produced more ideas that human experts classified as “exceptional” – which is 10 % of the most likely to lead to truly penetration products. The human groups, which also helped artificial intelligence, also reported the most enjoyable work in the task, compared to other groups.

Blogging on results“Organizations have been looked primarily on Amnesty International as just another production tool, such as a better calculator or a widestream,” but employees were often using “Amnesty International for monetary thinking and complex problems, not just the tasks of routine productivity.” He wrote that artificial intelligence can be considered another member of the team – as a collaborator – and not just another tool. “Companies that focus only on efficiency gains from artificial intelligence will not find workers unwillingly only to share artificial intelligence discoveries for fear of making themselves out of need, but they will also be absent from the opportunity to think about the future of work.” The organizations encouraged the re -vision of work structures and management structures, not only to strive to automate the current operations.

I’m sure this is true. Unfortunately, the temptation of many managers will be to seize clear workers and save the time offered by artificial intelligence, as there is a clear and immediate payment in work savings. It will take courageous executives to argue in keeping people in place, but using artificial intelligence to enable them to be exceptional.

However, here is the rest of the news of artificial intelligence for this week.

Jeremy was
[email protected]

Before we get to the news, if you are interested in learn more about how artificial intelligence affects your business, economy and our societies (given that you read this newsletter, it is likely to be), please think about joining me at the Fortune Brainstorm Ai London 2025 conference. The conference will be held from 6 to 7 May at the Rosewood Hotel in London. Among the confirmed speakers CEO of Coher Aidan Gomez, the chief official of MasterCard Jorn Lambert, EBay website The chief artificial intelligence officer, Nitzan Michael, Seikoya partner, Sean Maguir, and technology analyst Benedict Evans, and many others. I will be there, of course. I hope to see you there too. You can apply to attend here.

And if I miss you in London, why don’t you think about joining me in Singapore on July 22 and 23 to think of wealth in Singapore. You can learn more about this event here.

This story was originally shown on,600
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