All samurai skills for Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed shades, and how to open them

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By [email protected]

Yasuke is one of the main characters in Assassin’s Creed shades, and his skills in the samurai determine his combat style. After progressing with enough shinbakufu assassinations with Naee, Yasuke will open and reach his mastery capabilities. Yasuke’s Samurai style revolves around the long kataana, allowing him to reach strong attacks, defensive capabilities, and high integration groups.

This guide breaks all samurai skills in Yasuke, explains how to open it and which is the most effective for early and late fighting.

All samurai skills for Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed shades

Yasuke opens the skills through perfection points (image via SPORTSKEEDA games || Ubisoft)Yasuke opens the skills through perfection points (image via SPORTSKEEDA games || Ubisoft)
Yasuke opens the skills through perfection points (image via SPORTSKEEDA games || Ubisoft)

1) rank 1 Knowledge 1

The first group of samurai skills lays the basis for the fighting style in Yasuki, with a focus on health renewal, the extension of liberation and narration, and the control of the crowd.


He writes

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Global negative

1 % of Yasuki’s maximum health regains killing the enemy. Balances up to 6 %.

It increases over time

Brutal assassination


Yasuke allows a strong assassination that removes enemy health sectors.


Attack link


Swap the weapons during liberation and narration to perform a quick attack with your alternative weapon, and extend liberation and narration.


War kick


He performs a strong kick, takes damage to 20 % capacity and pushes the enemy away. Less effective on the biggest enemies.


Paul Rush


During running, ordinary enemies will be retracted, and some doors will collapse when influencing. Less effective on the biggest enemies.


Yasuke regeneration gives a valuable option for self -healing, allowing it to stay in the fight for a longer period. Kick Kick and Bull Rush are useful to control the crowds, allowing you to expel enemies and create holes in the fighting.

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2) Knowledge ranked 2

In Knowledge 2th, Yasuki’s capabilities become more effective against the most stringent enemies, an increase in total endurance and the production of damage.


He writes

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Improving brutal assassination


Yasuke can now use a brutal assassination on big enemies.


Severe effect


Kick War now has a full effect on the enemies and increases the warfare of the war kick by 40 %.




Bull Rush now takes 15 % of damage to the ability to influence and increases the bull damage by 40 %.


Power 1


Increases the cutting of the adrenaline by 1.


The improved assassination improves Yasuke’s greater enemies through the step of his assassination, making them more diverse. Crash Colison collides turns into an offensive tool by adding direct damage to the effect. Vigor 1 is increasing the Yasuke’s adrenaline gathering, allowing it to use more capabilities during the fighting.

3) Knowledge rank 3

Third -ranked skills improve the slowdown in Yasuki, the power of assassination, and defensive capabilities.


He writes

a description


The strongest and smartest …

Global negative

Reduces the slowdown of capacity by 3 %, and expands up to 15 %.

It increases over time

Assassination damage 1


Yasuki removes two additional health parties with assassinations.


Unfortunate defense


Yasuki automatically opposes every 20 -second attack (up to five times).


The cry of the battle


Staggers all enemies 10 meters from Yasuke.




Bull Rush is now fully works on adult enemies and increases 60 % damage.


Power 2


Increases the cutting of the adrenaline by 1.


The strongest and more intelligent … reduces the slowdown in the capabilities of Yasuki, allowing you to use its strong attacks frequently. The assassination damage 1 increases the damage caused by the concealment attacks, which makes it more deadly. The defense that cannot be penetrated is a powerful defensive tool, allowing Yasuke to counter multiple enemy attacks automatically.

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4) Knowledge ranked 4

Rank skills 4 Yasuke’s defensive capabilities and enhance its offensive strength when surrounded by enemies.


He writes

a description


An indelible goalkeeper


The defense that cannot be penetrated now makes the attackers at risk and increases its damage by 40 %.




It increases the damage caused by the enemy’s collision by 100 %.


They exceed their number


Yasuki’s damage increases 4 % for every enemy affected by the crying of the battle (lasts 10 seconds).


Samurai position


Yasuke enters madness, and turns all its attacks into the attacks of the situation for 10 seconds.


The unbreakable guard makes the defense that cannot be penetrated more powerful by weakening the attackers and increasing counter -damage. Defense violation enhances the damage caused by the enemies of the enemies when they leave each other or in the walls.

The number of rewards Yasuki to face multiple enemies is more than its damage. Samurai Stand creates an aggressive combat position, allowing it to focus on the attacks of the situation.

5) Knowledge ranked 5

Rank 5 focuses on increasing the damage of Yasuki, expanding the duration of his skills, and improving healing.


He writes

a description


Power builder

Global negative

Yasuki’s damage increases by 1 % for each filled adrenaline (up to 6 %).

It increases over time

Assassination damage 2


Yasuki removes two additional health parties with assassinations.




Battle Cry regains 50 % of the maximum YASUKE health over 10 seconds and increases the decrease in damage by 10 %.


Samurai madness


Killing the enemy increases the duration of the samurai position by three seconds.


Power 3


Increases the cutting of the adrenaline by 1.


Builder enhances the power of the general damage of Yasuki when the adrenaline gathering is full. The assassination damage 2 enhances its assassination. Healing Shout provides a valuable healthy recovery during the fighting, while Samurai Frenzy allows you to keep Samurai active for a longer period with every killing.

Also read: How to get a hidden blade in the shades of the killer of belief

6) Knowledge ranked 6

Rank 6 opens the strongest defense and attack capabilities in Yasuke.


He writes

a description


Absolute protection


The defense that cannot be penetrated now works against almost all attacks that cannot be stopped, except for constipation.


Eternal samurai


While he was in the samurai position, Yasuki’s health was secured by 10 %, making enemy attacks unclean.


Early in the game, YASUKE’s brutal assassination is provided with a better ability to survive and assassinate. Kick Kick and Bull Rush are useful for controlling enemy groups, with improving brutal assassination and increasing the impact of the severe impact against the greatest enemies.

Opening samurai skills in Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed shades

In Assassin’s Creed shades, opening skills works differently from previous games. You should increase the rank of your knowledge to gain new capabilities. For Yasuke’s Samurai skills, you will have to raise KR by engaging in various activities, including

  • Training said

  • Explore sites such as temples, shrines and coffee
  • Complete tasks (main and side tasks)
  • Kuji-kiri and Hidden tracks

When achieving the KR level, perfection points can now be used to cancel skills insurance. These points can be obtained by completing the goals and acquiring XP; However, some advanced skills may require additional points to open.

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Yasuke’s Samurai skills provide a multi -use mixture of attack, defensive position, and control of the area. The increase and focus of healthy renewal, defensive skills, and damage to the assassination will make Yasuki unbearable in the battle. Make sure to open and integrate certain skills to adapt to different fighting conditions, thus fully benefiting from the capabilities of Yasuki.

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