Alec Baldwin was right to remain silent on the Halina Hechins document

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By [email protected]

Although DOC has shots behind the scenes from the Western movie collection and interviews with the actors and crew team, the actor “30 Rock” is on the horizon on the documentary, although it does not appear directly.

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Alec Baldwin opened fire on Halina Hatshens in 2021

Alec Baldwin sued a family of cinematographers, Halina Hatchens

On October 21, 2021, Alec Baldwin was training in a scene of a Western movie inside a church in New Mexico. He took out his rifle, and although he claims that he did not pull the trigger, the gun was released. This rifle, which contains somehow, contains a real bullet instead of a fake tour, was launched directly through Halina Hatchens and it became included in the director’s shoulder Joel Souza.

The late cinematographer died on his way to the hospital in Bouquerk. Suza has been transferred to the hospital and will continue to recover completely. He will even finish filming “rust” in Montana the following year. Although the documentary includes footage of this group, along with an interview with a new cinematic photographer Bianca KleinBaldwin does not discuss the matter more than it was already.

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Why Alec Baldin chose not to participate in the documentary film

Alec Baldwin sits with the police for an interview after a rust fired

It is very clear why Baldin chose not to participate in the documentary. It was quite clear that anything he said could hold against him. He will not help him get a record of admitting Hachins when he was facing unintentional murder.

New Mexico State has been charged with accusations against him and Armorer Hana Guterres Reed In January 2023, more than a year after the death of Hachins. The charges against Baldwin were dropped in April 2023, while the FBI test conducted a test of the deadly fire. The accusations were re -charged in January 2024, just a few months before the jury was found in Hana Guterres, on charges of unintended murder. In April 2024, a judge was sentenced to a maximum of 18 months of the state behind bars.

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Baldwin still faces multiple civil lawsuits

The police in the United States released video footage of the rust movie collection, including the delicate filming of the actor Alec Baldwin. Halina Hatchens, 42, was shot by Mr. Baldwin while training on what he believed was a safe rifle. Footage, which does not have a sound, appears Baldwin wearing cowboy clothes trained with a rifle before the deadly shooting. It can be seen in the footage of this video that appears with the gun, and with ammunition / ammunition on his uniform in a scene in the church. Clappper can also be seen as MS Hutchins on it. It is not known whether the gun he carried was the one who fired deadly bullets. The actor, who was also productive in the movie, said he did not pull the trigger and had no idea how a live bullet was located in the group near Santa in the US state of New Mexico. The Santa County Office in Sharif issued a set of documents issued for investigation this week. April 26, 2022 in the photo: Alec Baldin was seen in the footage of video footage of the rust rehearsals released by investigators in the United States. Credit Image: Santa Fe County Sherif/Mega +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency Tagid: Mega851467_005.jpg) (image via Mega)

Baldwin was facing the same sentence if he was convicted, but lucky to him, the trial did not reach this extent. On the second day of the testimony of the witness, the crime scene technology witnessed that there are evidence – lead, specifically – that were not delivered to the defense. The judge has eliminated that the only appropriate treatment for this violation of Brady is the refusal of the charges of prejudice, which means that Baldwin could never confront criminal charges of his role in the death of Hachins.

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However, this does not mean that he is outside the forest yet. His name is still in many civil claims due to his product credit, including Bring one of the mother of Hachins and her father and sister. Although he may not face time behind bars, the burden of proof in the civil issue is much lower, and any good lawyer advises his client not to say anything criminalized.

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However, Baldwin still has a lot

Alec and Hillaria Baldwin on the red carpet / mega

Although “Beeetlejuice” may not have a lot to say about Halina Hutchins, he has a lot to say about himself in the wake of the shooting. His wife, Hillaria BaldwinIn particular, it appears keen on a Baldwin drawing as a victim of the circumstance in their TLC program “The Baldwins”.

Even the documentary did not show enough Halina Hatchens

"Rust" Olga traveled from the victim of filming the Halina Hatchens from Ukraine to Hollywood to put flowers on the grave of her daughter on the second anniversary of her death.

Souza said before the director addressed: “I was hoping that there would be more Halina in it or was a little more than Halina.” “I know this was your original intention when you talked to me about this topic. I can say when we were talking over the years at the overlapping time I have been put up.”

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Masson, who met Hachchens when their children went to pre -school together, admitted that there was a “shift” towards the movie. “A movie has these developments. She explained that it begins with something you can imagine, you can do, then start working on it, and you cannot really do it anymore.” “You are turning.”

However, in a question and answer, she looked desperate to re -focus on her friend. When a member of the audience was asked how difficult the movie was, she replied, “Maybe anyone if someone here knows Halina and he will have anything he says. It would be great to hear a story about Halina.”

Although there was not a lot of focus on Halina Hachchens’s life in the documentary, it is good that Baldwin was not present, because his stellar strength would have been completely overwhelmed with its faded heritage.

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