We have recently heard rumors that Apple is working on the next generation And Mark Gourman now states that there may be already new models in business. Based on his previous reports on a possible update for the 2022 studio display that can be released next year, Gurman writes this week in Power The newsletter, which was told by the sources “Apple operating on a second new screen”. The first is the symbol J427, while the second is referred to as J527.
Three years have passed since Apple has provided a $ 1,599 studio screen for 27 inches and twice since its release . Looking at the era of the two screens, Gorman says that one of the scenarios may play, either that “Apple is developing both and will choose one to launch it, or it is a second model of a different screen size or a set of specifications.”
This article was originally appeared on Engadget on https://www.engadget.com/computing/Apple-is-NERPORTLY-WORKING-ON-TWO-NEW-Versions-of-the-studio-Display-145521711.html?
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