Abi Elon Musk says he was not political as a child, and he was a friend of his black service

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By [email protected]

Washington Post recently Published Long story, politely, why Elon Musk decided exactly to make the diversity of his enemy and stock and inclusiveness programs – and politely asks, asking when was exactly racist? In it, the MUSK father, Errol Musk, offers a story that may be believed to be absolved of the upbringing he presented to his children, but in reality he is called very cursed.

According to the postErol said that Musk and his brother are “interested in motorcycles, computers, basketball and little girls” as children, and “they were not in political nonsense.” According to Airul’s novel, “We lived in a country running very well without any crime at all. In fact, there is no crime. We had many black servants who were their friends.” According to what was reported, the newspaper told that Musk has many black friends.

First of all, it is worth admitting even before Illon processing all of this seems to be Erol Musk as if it is completely absorbed. As a father as a human, all signs refer to the purest being the worst. Illon, his brother Kimal, and their mother May took in their speech, was Physically and orally Offend all family members. After the divorce, the matter ended with musk child With his daughter.

It is also very racist. In talking to Walter Isaac about his autobiography of Eleon, Irol Make up He did not register his emerald mine with the government because “if you register it (a mine), it will not end anything, because blacks will take everything from you.” But don’t worry, explain, “I have nothing against blacks, but they are completely different from what I am.” This removes things!

It seems that Erol comes from the school “I am not racist but”, as he was running a position against a supportive politician in South Africa and took his family to the anti -apartheid party, According to the post. But he does not seem to have made a lot of account in his relationship with the race, exceeding this based on how to talk about this topic.

Elon is definitely not responsible for his father’s sins, and there is at least space to understand the reason, after it grew up in that environment, Elon will have had a little bit. But he continued to record his fair share of sins, as the published details (and as you see simply by scrolling by his summary on Twitter a little, it is not completely hidden).

Only in recent months, it is Warning against mixing culturesAbout Low birth rates in white majority countriesAnd incomprehensible in an incomprehensible way that the efforts made to employ from a more varied group of candidates to expand opportunities to minority groups It leads to people’s death. And recently, it returns to its roots in South Africa, helped to pay An unfounded narration of the presence of “genocide” against the eggs In South Africa.

But hey, he could not be racist – his father said he had black friends.


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