Possible Stardest customers Many experts said that the countries that are considering geological engineering could prepare Stardest to sell tools to achieve these goals. In an e -mail answer to questions about its business model, Yedvab described the company’s approach as “based on the hypothesis” that solar geological engineering “will play an important role in treating global warming in the coming decades.”
Yedfab added that the company’s portfolio of technologies can be published after the decisions of the US government and the international community. “
The company is patented by geological engineering technology. “We expect the United States -led research and development programs to grow, and the value of the Stardust technology portfolio grows accordingly,” Yadfab wrote. In the Bastzur report, the Bastzur report says that if the governments decide not to follow geological engineering, investors “risk not receiving a return on their investments.”
The possibility of a special property concern geological engineering technology worries some experts. Pasztor recommends a Stardust with its investors to explore ways to abandon their intellectual property, such as how Volvo designs a patented seat belt available for free for other manufacturers 60 years ago. Instead, Stardust can work with governments to purchase the full rights of IP, which then can allow technology freely.
In any case, Pasztor argues, that Stardust can only extend in a moral way if they do this with full transparency and independent supervision: “They work in a vacuum, meaning that there is no social license to do what they are trying to do.”
Other experts also questioned the behavior of Stardest so far. “When it comes to the principles of governance, such as transparency and public participation,” said Shuchi Tatati, the coalition’s coalition, “they do not adhere to any of them,” said Shuchi Tatati, the coalition’s coalition, “They do not adhere to any of them.” A report of Batzur is the only thing that we know about them. “Tatty said that Stardest did not do any public advice for field tests in the open air, the open air tests There was no data or other information about it.
Better student, Talati argued at a A paper published in JanuaryIt is that Stardust be communicating and building confidence as soon as possible, while revealing what you do and with whom he participates. She said that the company’s financiers should reveal the scope of the work they also finance.
People in the Friends of the Earth, an environmental group that has long rejected geological engineering as “Distine distraction“The echo of Talaati fears and go further with their criticism from Stardust.” I do not think it is compatible to have investment capital financing and adhere to the ideal ideals, ”said Benjamin Day, a senior enemy activist about the generous engineer.
Dai said that if governments choose to use geological engineering, it may become highly dependent on Stardust if they are before the competition – that is not currently. “There is no special market for geological engineering techniques. They will only earn money if it is published by governments, and at this stage they are trying to keep governments as hostages with technological patents.”
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