BatTLESTAR GALACTICA destroyed almost a full offer with the story of the 1st season

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By [email protected]

by Chris Senelgov
| Published

the BATLESTAR GALACTICA I mentioned the restart of God a little as a personality that worshiped both kilos and a handful of human beings as a distinct deity for the princes of Copol. This number seemed to be an abstract belief of most of the show until the conclusion of the series confirmed in one way or another that this higher number was real and that some of our characters were getting divine visions. while BATLESTAR GALACTICA The fan of fans is divided into making this god a tangible power in the universe, most fans do not realize that God has almost presented at the end of the first season.


The conclusion of the first season consisting of two “brightly shiny” parts of Copol was a show in which the Kopol fleet discovered and hopes to direct the road to the ground. Meanwhile, tensions and power conflicts arise between President Roslin and the leader Adama, where the latter was fired unexpectedly by Bomerr after it succeeded in destroying the Cylon Bastar. this BATLESTAR GALACTICA The episode had everything, but the producers included almost in the stir admitting the song Jimmy Hendrix and discovered the character of God, which Dirk Benedict could have played.

Needless to say, it would have been bold BATLESTAR GALACTICA To present a concrete deity in the first season, the bidder Ronald Moore was always fond of taking such great narrative fluctuations. Why, then, did not see the personality of the God of Benedict talking to Balatar? In short, Mark Stern, CEO of SYFY, believed that the whole thing looked Haki, and Moore agreed, in the end, cutting this conspiracy indicates the “brilliant latter” Copol.

For one time, we are happy to interfere in the network because such an introduction to God would destroy the rest of the show. This is because the things that were reluctantly removed from the conclusion of the first season were things BATLESTAR GALACTICA Fans in subsequent seasons, including the random use of the song Jimi Hendrix and the series of revelation, hates that God is true. The blessing of saving the show at this point was that it was common enough because these pieces of the story of “Hokey” were not enough to dump the show, and even the failed landing in the conclusion of the series was not enough to destroy our collective impression of the show.

But just imagine whether the first season of BATLESTAR GALACTICA He ended with a character with a heart of the heart with the literal God after the jamming of Jimmy Hindrax. Frankly, “Hokey” may be very generous to describe this Bonkers idea. It was bad enough to accept the characters who heard Hendricks in subsequent seasons, especially after the conclusion of the series confirmed that he will not be born for thousands of years. It can be said that confirming the existence of God would throw all the future stories of beating because the fans will have to discuss if the free will exists or if everything happens (important) with his command.

Fortunately for all of us, BATLESTAR GALACTICA We adopted the idea of ​​the wild season 1 and did not hurt us by revealing God or Hindrix until later. These subsequent plot points have become some of the weakest aspects of the entire series, and we are grateful because they did not appear early and destroy the chances of display in renewal. If this happens, it is possible that the fans will start attracting a higher power to bring this seminal Science fiction Back chain.

And you know what this means: a a lot From the very specific fan mail you have Benedict.

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