The World Control Authority says that the United States may lose democracy

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By [email protected]

An annual report that has just been issued on the state of global democracy makes reading frustrated. But the most frustrated thing is what may appear next year.

Or rather, what may not appear in the 2026 volume: ancient democracy, through some measures Premature; The great power that has long been in the world was declared to spread freedom.

“If it continues like this, the United States will not register as a democracy when we release (next year) data,” said Stavan Lindberg, head of the Democracy Group. projectGothenburg University in Sweden run out.

“If it continues like this, democracy (there) will not last for another six months.”

Its project includes 31 million data points for 202 countries, which were collected by 4200 researchers and other shareholders, measuring 600 different features of democracy.

It coincides with Lindberg in the United States this week to submit this year’s report – which only includes data until the end of 2024.

Some dark monuments have been breached this year.

The number of autocracy (91) has exceeded the democracies (88) in this list for the first time in two decades, and is now in nearly three quarters of people in tyranny-where one person has an unrestricted power-the highest rate in five decades.

The last report still classifies the United States as a “liberal democracy”, which is the five highest levels, one higher than Canada, which is classified as “electoral democracy”.

The report adds an important warning: This year does not include events in 2025, which means it does not cover beginning Donald Trump’s last presidential term.

But he refers to the ongoing events in the United States as unprecedented, with a pardon of Trump 1500 criminals Who supported him; fire Independent agency from the agency without an operation; Non -political cleansing Police and military Copper ignore laws; Its federal deletion from one side ProgramsAnd even a Entire organizationIt was established by the American Congress.

In the past few days alone, Trump has crashed through many new landmarks.

He only called for pardoning his predecessor Natural and evacuated. My party gave bitterness letter In the Ministry of Justice, calling for the prosecution of the media and some opponents. he threatening Many universities with penalties. he Call A The 227 -year -old The war measures the law during the ladder period – for the first time ever – to deport the accused gang members without legal procedures. More importantly, when this deportation plan has ended in court, it may be – although he is still in a dispute – challenging the court and breaking the order Final constitutional protection.

Not only is it the scope of what Trump did what Linberg imagines what cannot be thinking about in the past: removing the United States from the democratic list and turning it into the second category families between five, to the so -called electoral consumption. It is also the speed.

Like Erdogan, Urban, Moody – just faster

Lindberg said that Trump is doing many things the same, such as Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Türkiye, and Victor Urban in Hungary and Narringra Modi in India – just faster.

“It is a pace,” said Lindberg. “He is trying to do it within a few months, what he took from eight to 10 years to achieve … it’s very comfortable.”

What can happen next? Watch the courts, he says. Their actions, Trump’s response are essential. He said that the courts in countries that stopped an authoritarian segment played a major role, citing Poland, Brazil, Macedonia, north and Zambia.

It goes without saying that a number of Americans may find a controversial – offensive assessment. But some of his peers in the United States agree easily.

Watch | January 6 of the riot, pardoning Trump, released from prison:

Sorry for January 6 of riots from prison

Less than 24 hours after the amnesty by US President Donald Trump, some riots convicted on January 6 from prison. On his first day in his post, Trump got nearly 1,600 perpetrators and reduced the sentences of more than ten people.

Michael Miller, a professor at George Washington University in Washington, DC, said a democratic corrosion and runs a reconnaissance to Experts In the field.

“Electoral tyranny, or weak democracy.”

This is still true even if Trump wins the elections, fair and square. Miller said most of the autocracy has already has multi-party elections-nearly three quarters, unlike the rest in the most strangled category, which is closed tyranny.

What is “electoral tyranny”?

In electoral tyranny, you can vote, you can protest, you can criticize the government – but at a price.

Miller said this price is the fear of revenge: losing your job, general financing or contract. Over time, fear controls, people – including Owners of strong media Start with self -censorship.

Miller sees an ideal replica approximately from Moves by last accident grooveLike Erdogan and Europe: “The Book of Exact Play”, he said.

He also sees the elimination as a key. Judges will continue to reject unconstitutional actions, as they had done since the early days of Trump’s presidency, starting with his attempt to rewrite Citizenship eligibility.

It is safe to expect Trump to complain, and he may be seduced by ignoring the court, but what matters, according to Miller, is whether he is retreating. “Then you may return from the edge of the abyss,” said Miller.

This is why many eyes were glued to the condition of the alleged Venezuelan gangs at the end of last week as a crucial test.

Trump had used unprecedented for Foreign enemies Law in 1798 Outside War time: The Venezuelan Gang, Terin de Arago, described a terrorist group, making the suspects eligible for immediate deportation, without standard legal procedures.

Relatives insist on some of the deportees Falsely accusedWhile the White House insists that it has acted on solid information, and has used a law for centuries for 137 deportations at the end of last week.

Why did one of the court case draw a lot of attention

on The path of the chaotic SaturdayThe constitutional confrontation in the Washington Court reveals.

First, the American Civil Liberties Union prosecution On behalf of five prosecutors. A judge issued a written order not to deport them, and the Trump administration agreed. But hours later, Trump protested the law of foreign enemies, and the deportation of others.

Watch | Trump collided with the courts on the law of foreign enemies:

Trump begins to engage with the courts using the law of foreign enemies

The White House is defending US President Donald Trump’s use of the law of foreign enemies to accelerate the deportation of migrants with alleged relations with gangs, even after the judge requested two planes with more than 261 deportations to the United States

In an urgent hearing, the judge ordered the deportation trips that stopped temporarily; But the Trump administration said it was too late-the two journeys were already in the air.

More importantly, Caesar Trump Tom Human later cleaned the courts in a television interview. “We do not stop. I don’t care what the judges think. I don’t care what the left thinks. We are coming,” Human told Fox News.

The president called himself to dismiss the judge.

This is a Dru a rebuke On Tuesday, the head of the Supreme Court judges, John Roberts, who described it in a rare public statement as an inappropriate use of accountability, is a violation of two centuries’ understanding that judicial differences should be dealt with through appeal.

Federal lawyers also resisted the judge’s request for information in court. But the management line is: This was not an explicit challenge; It is too late to change aircraft, as we have already left the airspace.

“We comply with the orders of the judge.”

Watch | How can Trump use the law of wartime to deport people when there is no war?:

How can Trump use the law of wartime to deport people when there is no war? | About it

The Trump administration has deported more than 200 immigrants by summoning the law of foreign enemies – a wartime measure – on the grounds that they are members of Trin de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang. Andrew Zhang explains how Trump explains the language of the law in 1798 in order to avoid the standard immigration court system, and why experts say it is a slippery slope.

This begins with a high risk confrontation that cannot last forever. Miller said Trump may find new ways to avoid court orders, but sooner or later, there will be a direct conflict with a judge.

“They say,” We obey the court of court, “a wink, a wink,” Miller said. “I don’t think they will go out at all and say:” We are ignoring an order from the court. “… (but) at some point it becomes unnecessary.”

This is just one of Trump’s handrails in recent days.

Trump Post image on social truth
Are the former president’s pardon be forbidden? It can lead to a constitutional crisis. But Trump says he can. (Social truth)

He also took the unprecedented step of challenging the amnesty for the predecessor: Trump said that because Joe Biden used a mechanical signature for his last pardon, members Congress Committee January 6 This investigation into Trump is still possible to prosecute.

The pressure on universities is escalating.

Trump is now threatening Federal financing for More than 50 Universities on suspected use of racist diversity programs in admission criteria.

Its administration also to make Nearly ten demands at the University of Colombia, which already have lost 400 million dollars of federal funding as a punishment for the disturbances related to the Gaza protests.

The demands include the status of studies in Colombia in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa under academic guard; Colombia is encouraged to enforce A. identification From anti -Semitism that, in some cases, may apply to people who bother Israel as a racist project.

Then there was a noticeable letter to the Ministry of Justice, where Trump publicly pressed the legal staff to try some litigants.

At the American law enforcement center, with a crowd of people, Trump referred to some political opponents as “scum”.

He demanded accountability for the people who achieved it, and four times referred to CNN and MSNBC as “illegal”, accusing them of corrupt behavior that should stop.

“It was a completely unusual speech,” Miller said.

On an equal footing, in Miller’s view: The media reaction is minimal after that.

This is an example of the normalization of Trump’s behavior.

Miller said he became clichés, but just tried, as an intellectual experience, to imagine another American president to deliver this speech. Imagine, for example, Joe Biden says these things; Then imagine the reaction.

“It was one of the biggest hundred years old,” he said. “But Trump.”!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/usa-trump-justice.JPG?im=Resize%3D620

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