One point that everyone can agree on in the DEI discussion

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By [email protected]

I was recently He was met before luck About the discussion about diversity, fair and integration programs (Dei). As the CEO of a non -profit organization that represents the shareholders, I deal with the issue of human capital management from a financial and commercial perspective. After all, it is the credit of investors and their representatives-including asset and retirement fund managers-to reduce the risk of materials and improve long-term financial sustainability for all stakeholders.

In the interview, I stated that the corporate diversity programs are forcing companies to “weak performance”. I was pleased to see more than 1000 comments published in Places Interview back This is most supporters and Critics had more common denominators than they might realize. It seems that we all agree that employees need to be appointed and promoted based on “merit” – people must be judged for their qualifications and work products, not sex, race or race.

I also realized that there is an amazing simple way to combine people about this issue that excludes the dispute: using a common definition. I suggest this:

Diversity, fairness and inclusion (Dei) are the organizational frameworks that seek to enhance fair treatment and full participation of all people on the basis of merit.

Note that he does not say that diversity is related to creating “race quotas” or discrimination against white men (both of whom are illegal). Variety programs aim to enhance workers on the basis of “all people”-not only women, old warriors, persons with disabilities, and non-white. Companies need Dei to get rid of the common “glass ceilings” that exceed the merit to prevent women and colored people from promotional offers that increase business results.

How can we achieve merit when people who make employment decisions and promotion have the unconscious bias, because they are naturally more comfortable and understanding the applicants who resemble them, they grew up in similar circumstances, and went to the same universities? How can views of different experiences help build high -performance difference to solve work problems? The answer is to expose bias with diversity training.

Failure to distinguish in companies is not just a moral or legal commitment, it is good to work. In you planted, We analyzed 1.5 million data points Sex and race measuring 1641 public companies over a period of five years. We have found a statistically unknown connection across the sectors in which the most diverse management teams excelled on less diversified teams in eight financial measures, including: the growth rate of the value of institutions, the free cash flow of the share, the ROIC capital, and the total growth rate of the total revenue for 10 years (CAGR). In short, if you look at the data, there is no doubt that the biggest diversity leads to financial excellence.

“Increased excellence.” Another added, “The organizations have found that the various workforce is more innovative and productive because they benefit from a wide range of thoughts and experiences.” Given that data shows a greater diversity that leads to the superiority of financial performance, why is it a great resistance?

Studies show Members of the majority groups may see the actual merit as “zero Som”, assuming whether someone else is making gains that they will necessarily bear losses. Another common response is to deny the presence of discrimination in the company, or for men to distance themselves personally by saying that they are not biased. A stadium may feel a level of punishment, especially for those who are accustomed to that “Failure.”

Many of Wrong information about Dei It comes from conservative politicians and biased social media who wander around these objections. They play on the insecurity of white males because they know the rule is good for voters. However, opposition to diversity efforts go beyond a health debate. A modern presidential Executive order prohibited Dei From federal activities, opponents appear aimed at eliminating diversity according to the mandate.

For each company that Rolls A side of Dei, there are a thousand continuous diversity programs. because Jpmorgan Chase CEO Jimmy Damon recently said in challenging political pressure, Dei is “legal and legal.” Management teams from Costeco to apple They publicly defended diversity programs as necessary for their business. Why are prominent business leaders taking a public position despite the potential political decline?

When the decisions of the shareholders aimed at ending the DEI programs were designed in the annual shareholders ’meetings this year on Dyerand CostecoAnd Apple, more than 98 % of investors unacceptable The proposals calling for the administration to end the current diversity efforts. This is because unlike politicians and instigators online, investors and their representatives have a legal duty to support programs that increase the value of shareholders.

You are often asked if Dei is on his way out. The abbreviation may change, and there may be fewer references in public reports due to the attacks on Freedom of expressionBut the diversity that creates a culture of merit and provides positive work results will never be eliminated. If there is one thing that can rely on companies to do, the profits will be increased to the maximum.

The opinions expressed in cutting comments are only the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions and beliefsluck.

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