Jt Thomas leaks the texts of Venita Aspen and shared a guide to know his girlfriend!

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GT Thomas

Jt Thomas leaks the texts of Venita Aspen and shared a guide to know his girlfriend!

Garrett “JT” Thomas It does not leave his runner Veneta Asn He dies.

Veneta Asn

after at31, she claimed that she spent $ 5,000 on him before he realized that he had a 39 -year -old friend The magic of the south Star was launched again with the participation of receipts – literally. Gymnast He took to Instagram on March 17, and posted a video from April 2024 that showed Veneta Asn Eat with him, his mother, his sister, and his girlfriend, Ali Perbles, Weeks before the start of filming.

“The old days … I enjoyed filming with my mother and sister and introducing it to the new GF at that time on. pleased at He was able to join us for an enjoyable meal. With us.

GT Thomas

Gymnast He also published a text from at I sent the next day for dinner, saying: “I forgot to leave your card card.” And restricting it to take a picture of him with his family onIt seems that Venita knew his relationship long before her allegations.

Moreover, Gymnast Spreading a screenshot of a weekly article in the United States in which he denied Come here A $ 5,000 claim and showed evidence of PayPal’s transfer of $ 4,054.48 after she covered an invoice.

Veneta Asn

“I think you are careful to you …” he wrote, adding an expressive symbol that fills crying.

Before the last conflict of $ 5,000, the dynamics between The magic of the south Stars Garrett Thomas, Veneta Asbin, and Ali family It was significantly complicated. at and Gymnast The friendship of a document that flirts with romantic tones shared.

GT Thomas

at Express her feelings JTBut stumbled when he was publicly presented on As his girlfriend in October 2024, he coincided with the release of the show trailer.

This revelation led to tension, with at Feeling misinformation JTS Relationship status.

GT Thomas

Complexing things, Gymnast Share a video from April 2024 show at Eat with him and his family and onThis indicates that she was aware of his relationship early in the claim. This complex network of relationships pledged the way for the financial dispute that followed.

The magic of the south It broadcasts the tenth season on Thursday on 7/8AD Bravo.

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