The Office of the Ministry of Health and Humanitarian Services of President Donald Trump Announced Monday The Ministry of Education in the state of Mine, the Association of Directors of Min and Al -Khader Secondary School is all over the ninth address because it violates its executive order to keep the athletes crossing in girls’ sports.
who Schools Association She issued a response to the announcement on Tuesday, to Fox News Digital.
“The alleged violation is due to the MPA policy, which is a direct result of the Human Rights Law in the state of Mine, to allow athletes to participate in the teams that are in line with their sexual identity. MPA policy is consistent with the Maine State Law,” as stated in the response.
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“The intention that the MPA violated the ninth address requires that the MPA be filled with ninth clubs due to receiving direct or indirect financing from the federal government. In short, a small part of our financing comes from 151 schools that receive the majority of its financing, and it includes it, and it contracts with it, and it contracts with it, and it contracts with it. You do not have the ninth judicial address on the MPA.”
DHHS said Maine has 10 days to solve the problem through a signature agreement or refer the risks to the US Department of Justice for the appropriate procedure. In her response, MPA added that she expects to discuss the case in the legislative body in Maine.
“MPA is looking for a strong discussion in the legislative body in Maine to determine the future of its policy on this issue. We urge all parties to broadcast their questions, concerns, ideas, or opinions where they belong to a respectable debate in public listening sessions about the bills dealing with this issue,” as stated in the statement.
As is always the case, we urge the audience to maintain this discussion between adults and allow our children to be children”
HHS served a notice of violation to Min state On February 25, it was announced that the state violated the ninth address by allowing the converted athletes to compete in girls’ sports, Fox News, digital news I mentioned earlier. HHS later expanded the scope of the investigation to include the Maine Directors Association and the Grely High School.
The state has become a hot battle square for the national discussion about the athletes transformed in girls’ sports, after the state lawmakers, Laurel Libby, referred to the incident of its occurrence when a biological man won the Girls’ Girls’ Girls Cellary Competition in early February.
Trump then pledged to cut funding to the state for refusing to follow his matter on February 20, during a meeting of the referees of the Republican Party.
Minez Governor’s office has responded to a statement threatening legal action against the Trump administration if federal funding from the state blocks the next day. Then Trump and Mills verbally erupted in an argument that was widely published in the White House during a meeting of the ruler from the two parties.
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A few hours after this interaction, the US Department of Education announced that it would work The investigation of the state To allow the athletes crossing to compete in girls’ sports and for potential violations in the ninth address.
Mills, in compliance with the Maine Manager Association, argues that Trump’s executive is inconsistent with the current human rights law in Maine. As a result, after the executive order, the state law, which currently allows sports participation based on the declared sexual identity of the person.
Mills said in a statement when HHS initially announced its investigation: “No president – Republican or Democrat – can withhold the authorized Federal financing and seize it by Congress and pay it by the taxpayers in Main in an attempt to force someone to comply with his will.” “It is a violation of our constitution and our laws, which have entered the right to support.”
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