An Italian newspaper says that she created the first number in the world that was completely created using artificial intelligence, where journalists are limited to asking chatbot questions and reading answers before entering them. Guardian previously I mentioned Based on the IL Foglio initiative, an Italian liberal conservative paper.
Claudio Cerasa, the IL Foglio Editor, said the experiment is a test of how artificial intelligence “in practice” in the newsroom and forcing journalists to ask difficult questions about the impact of technology on the industry.
“The world’s first daily newspaper will be on the action newspapers that have been completely created using artificial intelligence,” said Cerasa. “Everything.
“IL Fogolio AI”, a four -page on Tuesday, and can also be shown connected.
Early experiences with the use of obstetric artificial intelligence in the news rooms did not go well. Once again in 2023, Cnet He faced criticism after it calmly began to publish financial advice stories that were created using artificial intelligence that turned to it It includes great inaccuracy. Recently, and Los Angeles Times Release The artificial intelligence tool The “visions”, which were supposed to evaluate the bias of opinion articles that were automatically created. Soon I pulled the tool after finding it Reducing kkk.
Obstetric artificial intelligence is good in producing real writing processes, which seems clear and reliable. There were attempts to improve the “thinking” process in Chatbots, but eventually glorifying automatic completion systems and facing the recovery problem simply Make. Chatbots provides its logic because it produces an response that will sometimes recognize the same extent. Ultimately, the problem in all language models is that the user must be closely seen in all the text created and correct errors if they discover them at all. In particular, news rooms should be keen not to harm their credibility among the audience more by publishing SLOP.
However, news institutions continue to experience technology despite the great concerns among journalists in particular regarding whether the news rooms will try to use artificial intelligence to reduce employees. PATCH, the news site was owned by AOL, is now dependent Completely on artificial intelligence Web scrape to find news for many of its local publications.
The “real” press should be less affected, as the Tureditian IQ is simply creating a new text from the materials that you already have already seen before. The original reports – that create the original stories, and conduct interviews with individuals – indicate the production of completely new information that has not yet been done on the Internet. But the public in general does not put a great value on the media in the digital age – and not only limited to the press, it is not ready to pay a lot for music or video anymore. Employment is the highest cost center in most organizations, it is not difficult to see more news institutions that use artificial intelligence whenever possible.
One day, we will have Amnesty International news articles indicating information from other news articles of artificial intelligence so that one cannot discover the original source anymore. Or fully created stories from Reddit comments.
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