It turns out that the “old trunk” in Texas is incredibly rare

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By [email protected]

While hunting in West Texas, the deer hunter discovered a foreign body in the creek bed. It is suspected of being fossil, he took a picture and showed it to a farm manager.

“I was skeptical,” said Will Gate, O2 Farm manager at Sol Ross State University. statement. “I thought it was likely to be just an old trunk, but I imagined how wonderful it was right.”

The deer fisherman was right, and the discovery was more than wonderful, because it was not just my fossil. It was identified by a multidisciplinary team of researchers as Mammouth, which is a very rare discovery for West Texas.

After seeing the Hunter photo, the JUETT call at the Big Bend Studies Center (CBBS) Brion Schroeder and the archaeologist Erika Blasha. They have in turn contacted Halle Burkelund, a CBBS collaborator and a student student at Kansas University specialized in environmental archeology. After two other anthropologists joined their efforts, the researchers met on the farm to investigate what the hunter found. The team quickly select the sample as huge tubes.

“When they confirmed what they discovered, I couldn’t believe it,” said Uit. Unfortunately, the mammoth tusk has been isolated, which means that researchers have not discovered any other mammoth residue. For two days, the team TUSK concluded in the plaster -covered burlap and built a support framework for safely transferring it to SRSU. Now researchers are planning to study TUSK, including the performance of radiological dating – a standard technique used to determine the age of organic materials – to estimate when the mammoth lived.

“One of the local people who wrote his doctoral thesis found one (Mammoth Awls) in Fort Stockon in the 1960s,” said Schroeder. ” “There was a large group of error (in carbon dating) at the time.

Although the statement does not mention a specific type, Tusk may belong to a Colombian mammothCousin is far from the most knowledgeable Sufi mammoth. The height of the Ashithael elephants can reach a height of up to 13 feet (about 4 meters) and weigh about 10 tons.

Mammoth Colombian inhabits areas in North America, including modern Texas, before it became extinct about 11,700 years ago along with Many other mammals in the Ice Age. Although the reason behind the iconic Megafauna in the Ice Age is still a very soft theme, scientists are repeatedly cited by climate change, and Human fishing You may also play a role.

“The vision that Tusk Mammoth brings the ancient world to life,” said Uit. “Now, I can only imagine that huge animals wander around the hills on the O2 farm.

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