Throughout the “The Big Bang Theory”, we with three main romantic relationships. Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galici) and his dream girl Benny (Cali Coco) endsAnd in the third season, the Written by Atharrio Howard and Lowitz (Simon Hilberg) finally meets his match in Bernadette Rostenkovsky (Melissa Rawch), a waitress that eventually gets a doctorate degree and becomes a successful microbia. It seems that Shieldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) suffers from a romantic sensitivity in the early days of the series, but at the end of the third season, Amy Far Fajr Fowler (Mae Pialik) meets, and the rest is history. However, the friendships of the offer also A large part of the narration. Leonard and Sheldon are the best friends, Benny and Chaldon finally ends up unexpectedly, and is Howard and Raj thick like thieves.
In Jessica Ruzmov’s 2022 book “The Big Bang Theory: The Indigive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit, I opened Helbeg and Nayyar around one of the funniest scenes of the two, which is held in the seventh season episode” The Defection Vearification. In that, Howard enters His mother (always outside the screen) The estrogen cream and the concerns that make it “amplified” and “sensitive” explained, as the producer and executive writer Maria Ferrari explained, she was based on a true story of her family.
Ferrari revealed to Radloff: “One of the relatives of the mines was unintentionally touching the estrogen hormone producer and had this unexpected interaction.” “I was like,” this is honest, I think we can use it in a story, “Simon and Konal are great. You can give them anything. They have always committed and made everything better than you thought it would be.”
Apparently, Hilberg thought he was incredible. “Any opportunity to touch Kunal’s nipples … a contract had to adhere to it,” he said laughing. However, Helberg included a warning, indicating that the story may be a little old:
“Many of these jokes do not advance well, and many of them promote the ideas that he has in the past, but I also think that there are still ways in which these things can be implemented or written at a certain level of innocence that comes from a real place that the character moves. It’s really funny. It’s really funny. andD It is really difficult to withdraw, but the book managed to overcome some of this familiar old region and reach a place that the character moves. “
This specific scene made Simon Hilberg and Konal Nayyar laughing for the reality of the theory of the big explosion
I am sure that you can guess what is happening in “checking deception”, which is that Howard is very worried that the estrogen cream for his mother changes it, and settles on everyone, including Bernadette. Finally, Heard asks to come and ask him to know if his chest has become greater, and the whole matter ends with two men touching each other (with Bernadette seen, embarrassed for all those concerned).
“In my memory, it was just reaching tremors with Conal as an element in the list of bulldozers,” Hilberg recalls. “I have to be in a gym! Although now after I thought about it, I had to be without a shirt and mock. You can’t get everything.”
As for Konal Nayyar, he has numerous Specific memories about filming this particular sequence. “I remember like, my God, I will have to show my stomach and chest, So I was doing followers and all that, trying to look a little better. “Just to make everything better, Nayyar said that one small fact about the studio itself helped inform the acting decision.”
They were like, oh, this is great! We have to keep it! “We have practiced it a lot, as I remember the scene is not strange.
Simon Hilberg and Konal Nayyar were a close bond on a group
From the beginning of “The Big Bang Theory”, Howard and Raj are always paired, so it makes sense that Simon Hilberg said that Konal Nayar is two works together beautifully. “There is a dance that should happen with the scene partners, and it was always easy with Conal because you just get the rhythm or not. (Here, Helbeg refers to Raj’s selective boom about women early in the chain; selective autism disease He is The state of autism spectrum, but the shape of Raj, which exists only when the opposite sex faces it, it appears to be a fictional approach.)
Nayyar agreed. “I was very close to Simon, and many of our jokes continued outside the stage on stage,” he said. “He never felt that he was working when we were in scenes together. We felt as if we were penetrating somewhere. The most difficult thing was to break the character, which I did all the time in my viewers with him. He is happy – and our friendship, as well as Raj and Harad – was a real joy for me.”
“We loved each other and we were really annoyed with each other, too, Hilberg escaped.
Hilberg, in fact, was lucky enough two Partners of the normal scene – Melissa Rawak and Nayyar – but considered the two relationships completely equal. “He and Melissa were the partners I made in the majority of running,” he said. “There was a love relationship between Raj and Heard that I always took seriously as you can take any relationship based on love. I know that there are a lot of romance jokes and gay jokes, but Kunal was like my first love.”
You can see all “Bromance” of Howard and Raj on “The Big Bang Theory” now, which flows to the maximum.
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