The Robinhood online trading platform placed itself as a financial application for people, and promised “investment for all”. It is clear that the company decided that what people need, while the stock market continues to submit to “revision“It is the ability to gambling. Declare It will launch a new center for predicting its application that allows people to “deliberate on the results of some of the world’s largest events”, which seems to be somehow distinct from gambling.
For each Robenol press release The prediction center with people’s ability to “trade contracts” will be launched on what they believe will be the upper limit for the target interest price that the Federal Reserve will announce in May. It will also be launched with the ability to predict the results of the upcoming March Madness championship, with both men and women arches.
Although the axis will live in the Robinhood application, “contracts” are available by Kalshi, which technically a federal regulation exchange under the Future Trading Committee for Basic Commodities – but also they also have turn It is the same agency to allow people to bet on the election results. Shortly before Trump took office, CFTC accused Elections such as Shi because it is “a Trojan horse to facilitate the transformation of Calchi into a large -scale playing market.”
But do not worry, he has loyal to these fears of …Add Donald Trump Junior to the House of Advisors. Therefore, “deals” with distinct concerns about the unorganized gambling “and more” it is made for the president’s child, “but you know, the same result!
RobinHood tried to enter into the prediction game before. People were allowed to bet on the results of the presidential elections, which Criticism from legislators Not to provide sufficient protection to users who have been exposed to speculative “investment”. The company tried to enter Super Bowl as well, but it retreated after CFTC He asked her to carry her horses. This, he grew up from Kalshi, which was the stock exchange that provided contracts that allowed Robinhood to its users to buy – but it seems that he had resolved himself, as the new CFTC president Caroline Vam It indicates that these contracts will be allowed Under the new management.
If you are wondering about the difference between future contracts related to the result of things such as elections, sporting events and gambling, join the club. It seems that the entire argument here is that you do not bet on the possibilities set by the betting maker, but instead buy the “derivative contract” linked to the result of a specific event. This apparently makes it an investment, not a bet.
Federal judge has Support This type of “investment” despite the previous management CFTC objections, so it seems that Robinhood may have a green light here. At the present time, with Peter Thiel is supported by Polymark Still Technically in the United StatesIt also has a very strong grip on the market.
Certainly, there is no social comment that can be found in the fact that the service that is supposed to be “democratic financing” (please do not offer time Literally stopped retail merchants From buying or selling some stocks because they cost people’s wrong money) they are quickly converted into a platform for volatile and speculative “assets” such as encryption predictions and events. People who have the least and most important information now have the right to access to the most dangerous bets. What can make a mistake?
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