MAX Removing the original Looney Tunes is a cultural sabotage action

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By [email protected]

It is a day ending in “Y”, which means that David Zasslav has found a new way to the garbage of Warner Bruce. ” According to the deadlineZaslav and WB made an unreasonable decision to delete the entire Looney Tunes from Service Discovery Streaming Service, Max. Everything has gone, O people.

Since the combination of the garbage pile loaded with its reality of a network with the studio that gave the world lovers over a century of the joy of the cellular, Zasslav has shown a strange hostility towards what the jewel of the crown should be in his company. It is permanently Exlected films such as “Batgirl”, Involved Delicated and burned the classic Turner films He stumbled (but fortunately he was not killed) the secretary of the cinema history, and the lack of damaged A lot of cartoon network programming has been eliminated Without informing the creators early.

Two years ago, Zaslav seemed to have Loni Tones at his intersection when the Lonnis Tunes catalog appeared on the address list due to Max’s departure. (The sign later said that the short pants were mistakenly listed.) This came in the wake of WB, which installs the “Coyote VS. ACME” motion feature to Vauul, which means that hundreds of people worked on a complete movie that will not be examined or broadcast. It goes without saying that this is incredibly respected in talent, and this may be the reason that WB was forced to excessive lock of filmmakers such as Ryan Koger, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Maji Gilnahal.

With WB heading to an uncertain summer as it is not excessive to say the future of the studio depends on The success of James Gan “Superman”, “,” The scent of despair was launched from the big house in Barham Boulevard. This may seem the perfect time to wander in the deep studio library for permanent classics, but Zaslav preferred to burn the Leoni Tones legacy. What is the damage of this dressed?

Lony Tones is an invaluable animated fee

Bugs BUNNY, DAFY DUCK, PORKY PIG, Elmer Fudd, WILE E. Coyote, The Road Runner, and other indoor animation characters are an essential part of our cultural fabric. Aside from being created and drawn by some of the greatest talents in the history of the middle (such as Chuck Jones, Freiz Fralding, Tex Affiri, Frank Tashlin, and Pob Klamat), these cartoons taught several generations of the importance of spelling and successive. We prepared comedy chaos at a very early age to sabotage the Marx brothers, Mad magazine, and national lamboon.

Perhaps the most important thing for the studio, they presented us with ancient films in the company’s library by storing the likes of Errol Flynn, Peter Lorre and Humphrey Bogart. The appearance of Flynn at the end of the “Rabid Hood” from Chuck Jones via a living clip of “Robin Hood adventures” made me search for classic dust, and he is now one of my favorite films even though I made 35 years before my birth. There was nothing creeping synergy about this because A) It is a wonderful gag, and b) when I saw him for the first time in the late 1970s, there was nothing tangible for sale. There are no videos, and there are no broad reference versions … Only on the back that I was taking in the afternoon movie one day.

Why does Zassallav suddenly remove 39 -year -old classic cartoons that have strengthened the brand of his company since the ban on the ban while children know that there can be a development in absurdity?

The David Zassallav’s war must end on Lony Tunes

Regardless of his catastrophic appearance at the 2012 TCM Classic Film Festival, where, among other Gaffes, he expressed his dedication to preserving the WB film library by celebrating the movie made by another studio (20th Century Fox “Gintman”), Zaslav showed only little attention. Before Zaslav gets his gloves on Max (previously known as HBO Max), the sign sponsored the deep WB library in a mockery; The big nicknames were always in the foreground, but there was a clear path, which was deliberately developed for less well -known films, in the event that subscribers wanted to explore.

And to all the absolute joy of all Cinephile, there were LONEY Tunes cartoons that we grew up in the participation. At any moment, if you need a quick smile, I can call “What is an opera, a document? Parents can share the eternal brilliance of these cartoons with their children, while the short pants themselves did not lose any of their intestinal power. Everything was there, and why will it not be? , And it must be a firefighting crime in order to consider removing it.

As currently, if you want to see Classic Lony Tones, the only option is the actual media. Warner bros. says. Discovery that this is due to the fact that the entertainment of children does not pay subscriptions (he gave the same excuse to Nuking “Sesame Street”), which is clearly a lie because a large part of the new cartoon cartoons of Wony Tones, which are targeted explicitly, still flowing. The library was removed in the same weekend “The day the Earth exploded: Lony Tones movie” It was released to the theaters by the independent distributor of the Zaslav Pettiness. The man does not have a work that runs Warner Bros. Where is anvil when you need one?

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