Bridgewateer Associats’ Ray Dalio on stage at CNBC’s Conglge Live in March.
With the permission of CNBC
Billionaire Rai Dalio says we live at a time of rapid change, with high geopolitical tensions, economic systems develop and technology develops faster than ever.
People also struggle with what he called.Change global orderDalio says it is important to focus on what really matters.
“I think the question is, above all … how we will be with each other,” said the founder of Bridge, Associated. “Because, penetration techniques – they can be used in wars, they will create a great displacement for people.”
Dalio added that how humans deal with each other will be “especially important” in the five years to the next ten years.
Whatever the success you achieved in life, it was because of his contemplation than anything else.
Ray Galio
Founder, bridgewateer Associats
He said: “The best advice that I can give to anyone, as I think, will be to meditate, because it gives you calm and balance. It gives you a feeling of spirituality, which means … (a) interdependence with the universe, and interdependence with people.”
“Whatever the success you achieved in life, it was more contemplative than anything else.”
5 forces that transform the world
Dalio has set five major powers to transform the global system: government debt, Popular, conflict, climate and technology.
With regard to debt, Dalio said: “There is a large cycle of increased debt in relation to income … This will lead to a major change in the monetary arrangement that we are facing now.”

Dialio previously to caution About America’s escalation religion – now Stand With more than 36.2 trillion dollars. He says this problem is of utmost importance, “and the American deficit must move from 7.2 % of GDP to about 3 % of GDP.
Dalio also eaten the populism in the West.
“There is the left and the right … it reaches the point where there are differences that cannot be reconciled to money and values.” Converge directly In Singapore.
He said that the third force is the changing geopolitical system, which answers questions such as: “What are the rules of the world? How of the interaction of states? Who determines that?”
He said: “It is determined by the winners of the recent war. They have set the rules … but there is a change in the global order where the increasing forces challenge the current retreating forces. Therefore, we see this change in the world order, from one side, which is dominated by the United States to a large extent, to something completely different.”
Dalio said that the fourth power is the climate and the actions of nature, which throughout history has a greater impact and the killing of people more than wars. Finally, the fifth power is the new technology, or as Dalio describes the “man’s innovation”, which we see today with the rise of artificial intelligence and other emerging techniques.
“We are now in this transition to new orders for all of these,” he said.
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