Pavel Duru, founder and CEO of Messaging App Telegram, no longer has to stay in France. source He told AFP The investigating judge, responsible for the Dorov case, accepted a request to amend the conditions of his supervision.
Dorov wrote on Monday in a letter published on Telegram channel: “As I had heard, I returned to Dubai after I spent several months in France because of the investigation of the activity of criminals in Telegram.” “The process continues, but it is great to be at home.”
Dorov was arrested on August 24, 2024, after moving away from a private plane at Le Burgit Airport in France. He spent four days in the police seizure – which led Wide coverage From his arrest.
Shortly later, the Paris Criminal Court was responsible for the investigation, Make up Reasons for his arrest. Most of the fees revolve around the founder of Telegram, which is allegedly complicit in facilitating organized fraud, illegal transformations, and CSAM (sexual assault on children) on the social platform.
At that time, Dorov Agreed To pay on bail of 5 million euros ($ 5.5 million at current exchange rates) and check a police station twice a week. It was also prevented from leaving France during the investigation. But it seems that these conditions have been modified now – allowing it to leave the country legally.
The Paris Court has not issued a statement regarding the reasons for the changes made on Dorov’s supervision conditions.
A few days after his arrest, Telegram updated his website Allow openly Users to report private conversations to supervisors. Before the arrest, the company said it was “(why) did not address any requests related to (moderate in chat and group chats).”
After this radical change, of course, a telegram Removed Millions of groups and channels.
In other observations on Dorov channel, which announced his arrival in Dubai, the CEO of Telegram wrote: “I would like to thank the judges to investigate this to occur, as well as lawyers and my team for their efforts that could only be their legal commitment.”
Dorouov is not out of the forest yet. Despite his cooperation, the investigation is still ongoing and can lead to a criminal trial in France. On the positive side, Durov will not have at least to offer 2025 taxes in France.,798
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