Inclusive words in NYT Mini today, March 16th

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By [email protected]

Looking for Newest Small crossword answer? Click here to get tips for cross -crossed words todayIn addition to our daily answers and hints at New York Times Wordle, threads, communications and communications: sports version puzzles.

today Nyt mini crosswords It is not very difficult. I don’t get evidence like 7 -across, where any phrase can really fit the answer, but whatever. The remainder of the clues are somewhat specific and logical answers, so that you can fill them and then answer 7 -across on himself .. Do you need some help in cross-crossed words today? Read. If you can use some hints and directions for a daily solution, check Small crossword tips.

The crossfitting word is just one of many games in the Times Games. If you are looking for today’s answers, communications and communications: sports answers and lives, you can visit NYT CNET puzzles hints.

Read more: Tips and tricks to solve cross words in the New York Times

Let’s get the evidence and answers of the mini -crossed words.

Finish Net-Mini-Crossword-Puzzle-For-March-16-2025.png

The incomplete nyt mini crossword puzzle on March 16, 2025.

NYT/Screen snapshot by cnet

Mini through clues and answers

1A evidence: “J” in pb & j
Answer: Jelly

6 a idea: intelligence
Answer: graceful

7A evidence: “Look at this next man when he really matters!”
Answer: Myman

8 a idea: a fluffy game dog, informally
Answer: Boom

9A Guide: Org. With the option of the well -known traveler number
Answer: tsa

Mini below clues and answers

1D Guide: Disturb an hour of peak
Answer: jam

Dual Dimensions: The National Football Team, nicknamed the Pharaohs
Answer: Egypt

3D guide: big cars with small buses, say
Answer: Limoos

4D Guide: An animal that fills the voids in the book “___ ___ Drama of the holiday”
Answer: Lama

5D Guide: Money in Japan
Answer: Yen

How to play more mini -crossed words

the New York Times Games Section It offers a large number of online games, but some are just free for everyone to play. You can run the cross -mini -day words the day for free, but you will need to subscribe to the Times games section to play old puzzles from the archive.

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