The success of any long -term television program should start from somewhere. Like most comic play, it presents an experimental episode An opportunity to know what he succeeds and what does not work. You never know what will happen. If you will determine whether the “The Big Bang Theory” will last one year, not to mention restrictions on the operation of 12 seasons, based on the non -traded experimental episode, the answer will be no.
The ecclesiastical pilot who started the first season of the series is the dynamic of Leonard (Johnny Galica) and Chaldon (Jim Parsons), the Hangout sessions with their eccentric -eclipophageal friends (Kunal Nayyar) and Howard (Simon Helbert), and The Fair New Hall, Penny. Whether you have already found this series, the pieces have been formed in place, which is more than I could say in the show that could have been.
/Nina Starner wrote an excellent piece Set the original version of “The Big Bang Theory”, “ Which was radically different from broadcasting. Some outstanding differences include Sheldon more sexual adventure, not Raj or Howard, an apartment group that looks like she forgot to pay the electrical bill, and an unpleasant alternative to Penny. Among the opening ideas of the strange world is “the theory of the big explosion” in every episode that opens with it Thomas Dolby, “I have been blinded by science.”
Thomas Dolby Bob Bob had to change the offer of the show
It is not uncommon for the previous music performances to use the song. See only how to manufacture “The Golden Girls” is an attractive cover of Andrew Gold. “Thank you for being a friend.” But unlike that song, which works Objective extension of the basic friendship group of the seriesIt is difficult to see “I have been blinded by science” that suits any of the “Big Bang theory”.
This series is not alien to the sinking of its characters in nostalgia to the past, which it believes will be well associated with the flavor of the eighties of the eighties of the richest dollar. But I love it or hate it, “the theory of the big explosion” It is strongly present in the central boom in the late first decade of the twentieth and early 2010 century The synthesis tone makes the exhibition feel out of time – not in a likable way. No wonder in the series of creators Chuck Lori and Bill Brady in favor of “History of everything”.
Like the most effective comic theatrical topics, it is a file Tune Even a person who has never seen one episode of “The Big Bang Theory” can almost immediately. He has a hook, but it is a voltage that summarizes the identity of the show within 20 seconds. The melody also works as a power itself It puts all developments (often real) since the dawn of existence Before its peak in the final scientific achievement of a group of obsessive, they eat eating on the sofa.
Each episode of “The Big Bang Theory” flows to the maximum.
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