If you see “After Hours”, the latest episode of to cutAnd you are a fan The twilight areaSome similarities may have caught with an episode of that series exactly the same title. Even before this week to cut Broadcast, Oir eyes on x (The pillars for you, seriously) surrounded the similarity and advised to watch “hours after”, The twilight area Episode, as a coincidence.
And that a vintage slice of existential awe is actually a very wonderful companion. You can tell creators to cutThose who are not doubt about that The twilight area As a source of inspiration all the time, take some specific signals from Rod Serling and the company on this one. With the last disclosure of that various The twilight area episode Help the upcoming horror movie for Ryan Kogerer Singer– In fact, just a very strange era in which we live – it is a good reminder that it is not a bad time to keep it The twilight area (Flow on Paramount+) in normal rotation.
The spoilers of the year 2025 “The after Hours” and 1960 “The after Hours”.
in to cut Mrs. Coble should talk about a skeptical security guard to get Devon (and Mark, who is hiding in the back) into a boat that contains a cabin that allows Mark’s awareness to wake up outside Lumon. It is a very strange exchange:
Kobeel: “We are going to a five hut.”
The guard: “I have no specific person.”
Coble: “It’s one of Jame. Nobody knows … Miss Marsha White, the ninth floor.”
Guard: “Section of Specialization”.
Coble: “I am looking for golders.”
This does the trick, Cobel, Devon and Hidden Mark engine. While many to cut Perhaps viewers will first mean what “one of Jame” can mean (many theories, everyone Among them, it is the last part of the exchange we will focus on here. Anyone who stopped another distance on the way to Kiir will recognize the lines almost literally The twilight area“After hours.”

The first broadcast of the season’s season, on June 10, 1960, “The after Hours” Ann Francis (familiar to the science fiction fans for her unforgettable role in 1956 Planet is prohibited) As a woman entering a multi -departmental store, looking to buy golden tests as a gift for her mother. The narration relieves us as it is heading to one of the store’s elevators: “Expressing the elevator to the ninth floor of a multi -section store, holds Miss Marsha White on the most prominent, normal, absolute missions.”
The elevator disk indicates that the car is only rising to eighth The floor, then the ceiling, but the operator is sure to take Marsha – the only passenger, despite the crowded store otherwise – even the ninth floor, which is strange in a strange way regardless of a strange seller selling … instead of gold.
The narration continues, as it does to cut Similar to the symmetry: “Miss Marsha White on the ninth floor, the disciplinary department, is looking for golders. The possibilities are that they will find them – but there are better possibilities because you will find something else, because this is not just a multi -section store. This happens to be The twilight area“
After purchasing it, Marsha appeared on the elevator before realizing that as a result of the damage to; It is scratched and high and there is no way that she will provide her to her mother as a gift in this condition. The store managers feel confused when describing shopping on the ninth floor. The store does not have the ninth floor! This will be actually disturbing, but then monitor the strange sales author who sold her with garlic … and realizes that the woman is actually a model.
The shock is sufficient for her to go out, and when she wakes up, she “after hours” is in the store. There is no one, with the exception of the models, which begin to move and summon to Marsha. Maybe one of the most terrifying The twilight area Series in all ages, and certainly there with horror movies like Wax and Tourist trap Perhaps even rom-km mannequin As a nightmare for anyone who has abnormal fear of knowing what.

Development, as there He should Be a development, that Marsha herself is a model, and – shortly after the freedom to survive – I really forgot who is really. She has returned to her frozen condition by the end, with a frightening model made to look like Francis.
“Marsha White, in her normal and natural state, a wooden lady with a coated face, one month of the year, takes the characteristics of a natural person and all the meat and blood like you and I,” Serling explains in his narration at the end of the episode. “But it makes you wonder, right, just, just How normal Are we? only Who are they People who gave him on hell and we are going on the street? A fairly good question to be asked – especially in The twilight area“
Rapid investigators may look at “hours after” to find more to cut Code (we have some annoying doubts that Lumon Pr Flac Natalie may be a wooden lady who comes to life), but it seems likely that it is probably. to cut“After hours” is the echo of topics more than the actual conspiracy details here.
the to cut The dialogue feels that it deliberately logical in exchange of Coble with the security guard – at least and they are speaking in the code. Instead of being the universe The twilight area Reference (Will Lumon employees watch? The twilight area In their spare time? After Marsha realizes who she was, she was reprimanding a colleague model to forget her who really is during the “strangers” period. they They are “the real people”. They excel, if you will.
LUMON staff are already similar to these store models: allowing them to live under certain controlled conditions, and they must also bear their reminder that they are not truly Human. Although these two episodes titled “The After Hours” are closed in separate contexts, they feel compatible with each other.
Or perhaps, who knows, there are also models that come in life wandering in Lomon halls. We definitely saw some terrible Things happen in this office.
If you are like us, then diving in this particular to cut Arbit Hole now makes you wonder about Easter eggs and other references overlooking this entire time. If you have found any of them in particular, please share it in the comments!
You can broadcast The twilight area On Paramount+; to cut Apple TV+flows.
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