Move, Apple: Learn about the upcoming alternative application stores to the European Union

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By [email protected]

People in the European Union are now allowed to access alternative applications Digital Markets Law (DMA), which is a list designed for Increase competition In the application of the application. Like the Apple App Store, the alternative application markets allow easily access to a wider world of applications, but instead of applications that go through the Apple application review, applications on third party markets must pass through Documentation process To ensure that some “basic platform safety standards” meet, ” Apple says Like be free from malware. However, each store can review and agree to applications according to its own policies. The stores are also responsible for any issues related to support and recovery, not Apple.

To run an alternative applications market, developers must accept alternative Apple’s alternative business conditions for DMA applications in the European Union. This includes Paying new basic technology fees amounting to 0.50 euros Each annual installation of their first annual installation of their Marketplace application, even before the threshold of 1 million installation is met, which is a tape of other European Union applications distributed under the Apple DMA terms.

Despite the complex new rules, a few developers have benefited from the opportunity to distribute their applications outside the Apple walls.

Below is a list of applications that IPhone in the European Union can experience today.

Altstore Pal

Image credits:Altstore

Participated in the creation of the developer Riley Testott, Nintendo Game Emulator DeltaAltstore Pal is an officially accredited alternative application market in the European Union. the Open source The application store will allow independent developers to distribute their applications as well as applications from Altstore, Delta and A. Wall Director, called a clip.

Unlike the Apple App Store, the autonomous altstore applications are hosted by the developer. To work, the developers download and download an alternative distribution package (ADP) and download them to their server, then create a “source” that users add to Altstore to access their applications. This means that the only applications that you see in Altstore are those that you have added.

some Common applications that users add Include the apparent device application UTMWhich allows you to run Windows and other programs on iOS or iPad; OldosRe -Create iOS 4 designed in Swiftui; CoutureIOS dictionary available as an independent application; Torrent application Etortnet; QBitttorrent is the distant customer of iOS devices called QBitControl; And the social discovery platform Peopledrop.

Setap Mobile

Image credits:Setapp

Setap MacPaw became one The first companies agree on the conditions of the new DMA business from Apple To prepare an alternative application store for European Union users. The company has long provided subscription -based service that features a selection of clients coordinated applications on iOS and Mac. After the implementation of DMA, it was released Setap MobileAn alternative application store for iOS users only in the European Union. Similar to other subscription offers, the new application store includes dozens of applications under one subscription price, and the number of applications grows over time. Applications are free from purchases or ads within the application and are generally considered high quality; However, it does not include applications with a large name such as Facebook, Uber, Netflix and others.

Setap Mobile is Available to users On the plans of “Energy user” and “AI Expert” Setap to subscribe for free. Otherwise, users can subscribe via a new “iOS Advanced” plan that includes both iOS from the main subscription in Setapp and Setap Mobile At $ 9.99/9.49 euros per month, or 107.88 dollars/102.48 euros annually.

In addition, all SETAPP subscribers (with the exception of “Family” and “TEAMS”) can experience the Setapp Mobile for free during the period of the trial version of the invitation only.

Epic Games Store

Epic Fortnite games I launched the IOS App Store In the European Union on August 16, allowing users to download games, including Fortnite and others such as the Sidewipe and Fall Guys, with more. The company said that it is also bringing its games to other alternative apps, including Altstore Pal, which now supports it through a grant, as well as the IOS store for the Aptoide in the European Union and one store on Android.

This step comes to launch Fortnite in the alternative iOS market after more than four years of removal of the Apple game from the application store due to policy violations, before the legal challenge of Epic to the alleged Monopoly for the App Store. While the American courts decided that Apple was not involved in the anti -monopoly behavior, the lawsuit did The road paves the way for developers To connect their web sites for a reduced commission.


Image credits:Aptoide

An alternative game for iPhone, in Lisbon Aptoide It is an open source solution to distribute the application. The company, already known as the Google Play, says it is checking the applications to ensure that it is safe for downloading and installing.

The iOS version was launched from the Aptoide Store as an experimental procedure for the invitation only in June, so you will need to put your email. On the waiting list For access icon. As a free store for use, APTOIDE does not impose on its users to cover the basic technology paid for Apple, but it takes a commission from 10 % to 20 % about the purchases within the application on iOS, depending on whether it has been created by Marktplace or not.

Through all platforms, including Android, Web and Car and TV, Aptoide offers one million applications to more than 430 million users.

Mobiverent Market

Image credits:Mobivent

App Store focuses on B2B, Mobivent Marketplace allows European Union companies to distribute their internal applications used by employees, but cannot be published – or should not – at the Apple App Store. The company also provides the development of a applications market for companies that want to provide only their applicants for their applications for their companies. Large companies can even license a mobile technology to customize the application market with their needs.


Image credits:Skic

In March, Skic Declare Launching an alternative application store for European Union users that distinguishes itself by providing a Tinder -like interface to discover the application. That is, users pass directly to “matching” with the applications they may enjoy. They can also create lists of play and know the applications that their friends play. The new store will replace the current Skich application and the company will witness a 15 % commission on all purchases. The store has not been fill in the applications yet. Instead, he will market the offer of developers at the game developer conference (GDC) Hope to add addresses later in March.

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