Pentagon discounts threaten programs that secure loose nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction

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By [email protected]

Partnership with local health authorities not only helps in preventing the next epidemic, but it is also confirmed In an interview 2022.

They say that DTRA is working as an “early warning system”, says a Wire Congress, before any deployment of the American army. Although it may not be a traditional type of military force, it still corresponds to the priorities of this administration. “It provides our boundaries of pathogens.”

Independent analysis In 2022, the Pentagon found that these threat reduction programs “are in a good position to quickly respond to the arrival threats (weapons of mass destruction); its unique powers and fill an existing gap.”

Gigi Gunfal, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, says programs like DTRA must be expanded, not cut. These are national security programs in the first place, she says, designed “to give ourselves eyes and ears all over the world to put out these fires, or prevent them from occurring in the first place.”

“If you do not put the fire – whether it is a contagious disease or a chemical weapons program in the state of Marqa – it will continue to grow, the Gronvall adds. “We have regions in the world that do not have firefighting sections,” she says. “By helping them help themselves, we help them climb.”

“Selling Fire on Experience”

The efforts to reduce the threat to the Pentagon and the DTRA itself stem from the work of former American Senator Sam Nun, a democratic, and Richard Lagar, Republican, to secure weapons of mass destruction After the fall of the Soviet Union. America, through its work, destroyed thousands of ballistic missiles and nuclear heads, which got rid of tens of thousands of chemical weapons, and dismantling the Soviet biological weapons laboratories. In 1998, DTRA was officially created and a more expensive mandate to track and destroy chemical and biological threats with other countries to help do the same.

For her work, she was DTRA Target the Russian misinformation effortsWith Moscow accused America of producing biological weapons in these DTRA laboratories. After the large -scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, The theorist of conspiracy In America I picked up this issue, indicating that the invasion was a cover for the destruction of these biological weapons laboratories.

Since then, fears of DTRA were raised by the Minister of Health and Humanitarian Services Robert F. Kennedy JuniorDirector of National Intelligence Tolsi GabbardAnd Russia itself. Republican Senator Rand Paul I repeatedly issued the summonses For DTRA, they are looking for evidence that she participated in dangerous viral research, indicating that they may have a hand in creating Covid-19.

“When Russia was attacking this program, he was doing it because he wanted to erode our national security,” says Gongal. “Russia may not believe these lies, but” they have succeeded greatly in making people have the ability to believe these things. “,c_limit/trump-wmd-programs-sec-926550532.jpg

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