Deloitte connects the office to the qualification of the reward, are those affected in India?

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By [email protected]

Deloitte has implemented a policy linking the office to the performance reviews of its employees in the United States, which may affect the rewards. This change requires employees of the US Tax Department from the cooperation of personalities two to three days a week, which includes compliance with performance assessments, according to the Financial Times.

“The presence of the Deloit Office or the client’s position will now be seen in your performance evaluation,” Katie Zain, the chief talent employee in the department.

Personal cooperation requirements are determined in two to three days per week, or 50 %, according to the Zain message. This policy specifically applies to the American tax practice of DELOTTE, where non -compliance can lead to a decrease or lack of rewards.

This shift in politics represents a strict approach to attending offices, as it is in line with the directions of the broader industry in financial services, as companies such as Jpmorgan emphasize the presence in the office. Deloitte US use emblem strikes and time tables to monitor employee sites, and office attendance is now an official part of performance reviews. This step highlights the exit from the previous flexible work arrangements, with a focus on a hybrid model that balances the needs of the customer and professional development.

While the US arm imposes this policy, Deloitte operations in the United Kingdom and India do not have a minimum requirement of the office’s attendance, which shows the differences in regional policy. In India, the hybrid model remains, allowing employees to determine the presence of their office with their teams. Employees continue to specify the attendance of their office based on the team’s requirements.

Deloitte has called for flexible work since 2014, and officially adopted a hybrid business model three years ago. The company confirms that the employees are “trusted with a report of how they work, in a way that works for their customers and colleagues as well.”×9.jpg

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