What kind of heart should be done after force training

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By [email protected]

Hello! How is your day ?? It was a brutal week here, but everything is fine.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about heart dilemmas, and what kind of heart should be done after weightlifting sessions. I feel that there is a lot of ambiguity about this, and one of the things that prevents people from doing individual heart disease is the fact that they do not know what to do. It is much easier to accomplish if you have a plan in place.

Are you not sure of the kind of heart that must be done after training? How much heart you need? What types should you do?Are you not sure of Cardio to do it after training?

What are the types of training in the strength of the heart that must be done after the force training

Why do we need the heart? How much is the heart we should get every week ??

Cardio (also known as cardiovascular exercise) is not an effective means of burning fat, building tolerance, and increasing speed, but it is also clear that it is important for heart health and helps build muscle mass. The heart consists of anything that keeps our heart rate high for a sustainable period of time. From this site: “The construction of cardiac respiratory endurance through regular physical activity allows your heart and lungs to work more efficiently, thus improving your physical ability to deal with stress and lowering your risk factors for many chronic diseases. Regular physical activity helps to control obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in the blood – with a clear result to reduce the risk of almost heart disease, according to centers of control and prevention control, or a center Disease control. By providing weight control, regular exercises also reduce risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

There are many heart methods in the vicinity of fitness, but I like to divide them into 5 main categories:


-Tempo work

-Hill/work resistance

-Hit (high -density separation training)

-Active or elegant refreshment (forming a heat of activity other than exercise, or what was referred to as a “unintended exercise”, such as gardening, emptiness, walking in dogs, cleaning, etc.)

According to NASM, we need at least 150 minutes of moderate heart exercises, or 75 minutes of strong density, or a mixture of moderate and intense exercise per week. The weekly recommendation for resistance training is twice or more per week with exercises for all major muscle groups (minimum range of 8-12 repetitions for each muscle group). It is also recommended for flexibility and nerve exercises (balance, lightness of movement, coordination) at least twice a week.

Why should we replace the intensity of the heart:

It is very important not only to change the exercise you do but the intensity of the work burden.

The body is a smart machine and gets used to the same demands over time. For example, if you raise a hard path for the first time, it is possible that your heart rate will be raised, your legs will be painful, and you will burn a lot of calories. If you start raising this path itself, every day, for successive weeks, you may find that it begins to feel easy. The heart rate is not high, does not feel the challenge to you, and lower calories burn. Also, you may start to feel annoying pain in the outer part of your knees of the slight tendency of the path to one side.

When we replace the intensity and conditions of the heart, they do some great things:

The heart gives an opportunity to recover and comfort. If you are doing the same crazy Hiit exercises every day, it does not give the heart (which is a muscle! Important …) is an opportunity to rest. This is very important to prevent adrenal fatigue, symptoms of excessive training, and exhaustion. High density exercises are fun and wonderful here and there, however It can cause a lot of exercise by 60 % (and higher) from the maximum turbulent blood flow, an introduction to the accumulation of arterial plaque. This is friends of dangerous things. A lot of time and density can cause more harm. (Friends who love Orangeheory as I do, for this reason I do not recommend going more than twice a week.)

You do not constantly work on the muscle groups themselves, which can help prevent excessive use of injuries. I think if you like a Cardio dance exercise, this may be a great exercise for heart disease to challenge your mind and also encourage side movement because we do not usually move from side to side.

You are constantly changing the demands, Encouraging the body to work more seriously and avoiding it in controlling seizure. In other words, you will get more uproar for your Back.

How the heart works with regard to weightlifting/strength training exercises.

Cardio can shrink the body, making it a great tool for losing fat, but training training will change the body shape. Doing each of these matters is a great way to obtain strength, performance, speed, endurance and visual muscle gains. Both force training and heartburn, which may lead to fat loss, but how they collect it can significantly affect your results.

I have not trained customers about a year ago, but I was always very strategic on how to design individual fitness plans. Although I modify it depending on the unique needs, there is a general mental formula that I like to follow. I am about to leak all the beans with you so that you can use them in your own routine.

What kind of heart should be done after each type of exercise:

*Please remember that although I specialize in weight loss and a personal trainer, I am not. for you Personal coach – although we are real, he will be very fun. Please take this for media purposes and consult with the doctor before making any fitness changes. These are some ways to do this, but not the only ways to do this. Do you do what is best for you, MMM K?

For Cardio, build what you did yesterday and what you plan to do tomorrow. Was it easy yesterday? Pay it today! Did you do Hiit yesterday? Take climbing of a hill easier or stable condition. Do you plan to separate the condensed heart tomorrow? Perhaps Cardio completely skip and active recovery or elegant instead. This is also the thing: you do not need to do heart disease every day. Focus on the comprehensive movement instead.

Heart exercise routine only:


-Tempo work

Resistance alleys

-Hit and stability

HIIT training or an easy stable condition

Power exercise: the upper part of the body

Heart options:

-Easy stable condition

-Tempo work

-Time or battle periods with your strength exercise (for completely fatigue from the upper part of the body and obtaining a basic reward)

-Time periods after strength

-Staircleimbing or a bike after strength

Are you not sure of the kind of heart that must be done after strength exercises? How much heart you need? What types should you do?Are you not sure of what kind of heart disease that must be done after harsh exercises?

Power exercise: under the body

Heart options:

-HIIT exercises for the body (to exhaust the bottom of the body) completely)

Climbing the easy hill (to work in the muscles of the legs differently)

-bike or drawer

Power exercise: the overall body circuit

Heart options:

-The easy fixed state <-This will be my first choice if you already do time breaks in the exercise of strength. The stable condition after HIIT can burn more fat, And he feels a nice break after time breaks

-Tempo work

Hiit body exercises

-bike or drawer

-The pants are the top of the body and the HIit exercises for the bottom of the body

Are you not sure of the kind of heart that must be done after strength exercises? How much heart you need? What types should you do?

Power Exercise: Core

-Anything goes.

If you do the heart after training, will you destroy your gains?

Not if you feed properly. In short, your body usually burns carbohydrates first, then fat, and finally protein (from your muscles: traditional state). Get some protein before exercise + some fast carbohydrates that burn if you need energy, carbohydrates and protein after that. (<-I also like mixing some fats in the post-exercise to absorb nutrients.) Below is a great post on snacks before exercise.

What a wonder. It was a lot !!

So, tell me, friends: How much is the heart you do every week? Do you adhere to the same thing, or are you constantly changing it?

Oh, and how can I forget! Nothing makes me go like a good experimenting menu. I am looking for you here.




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