by Chris Senelgov
| Published

in Bouvay is a fatal vampireThe trio is one of the most hovers, especially after one of their organs (Warren) ended with the killing of Willo’s girlfriend by mistake Tara. Most fans now see a retroactive effect that these bad guys are completely drawn for the sixth season in the show and the sixth season in the show. However, the trio is actually excellent Bafi the wicked because they emphasize one of the most powerful topics in horror: that people are not expected to be eventually more dangerous than any monster.

Those who were Foolish Fans often claimed that the trio is poor because they are not metaphors like other iconic characters. This is an offer where the wonderful was always a mirror of the blog. For example, an angel who turns into evil after sex with Buffy has become a deliberate metaphor for young people who reveal themselves a mortality after sleeping with their friends. compared to FoolishMany other metaphors (such as talismans that represent the sex and the master who represents the scattered Buffy’s father), can seem three disturbing obsessed with somewhat boring.
However, these bad guys were secret a Blessed Create a book book because they embody one of the longest topics in terror. It is that human beings are more dangerous than the monsters they fight. Zombie movies like Dawn And offers like Walking deadFor example, it emphasizes how the inability to predict human beings makes them more dangerous than the expected danger to the zombie. in FoolishThis idea is represented by the fact that vampires are driven by instinct, but mankind causes chaos after that anything The dance can do with its dark magic.
There are many other examples of humans in Foolish Being more dangerous than a group of blood owners. The main Sender was an early example of a human enemy that can successfully threaten our characters during the daylight hours, and allowed him as a dog with friendly subjects to kill many victims (including the observers council!) Who may have been able to repel another unimaginable monster. While both of them have been replaced, both willow and faith prove that humans who embrace their inner dark side can cause more than the smartest masmas.
The great wicked

So, what does this do Foolish He studied the history of the villain with a relationship with the reason that the trio are the wonderful bad guys? For one reason, Warren directly fits with the human wicked template mentioned above. He kept the upper toes almost the sixth season by employing a series of plans backed by magic and technology. How many vampires or fierce wolves believe they were able to hunt (even temporarily) our favorite killer in a The day of the Earth’s rat Time episode?
For another thing, FoolishThe evil trio is correctly fits with a season threw, for the better or for the worst, the increasing difficulties in our champion. Slayer is certainly fighting wonderful monsters from week to week, but these men were a corridor compared to challenges such as pushing the mortgage, playing the alternative mother and giving up her poisonous boyfriend. In a season in which worldly world was converted to the amazing human villain, such as Warren fits the right.
finally, FoolishThe trio was an ideal reflection of the sixth season theme: the risk of magic. It also showed the same season that showed that Willo was addicted to the dark forces also showed the risk of reaching a few cases that managed to reach its magic capabilities. Certainly, the seventh season followed in this controversial story (magic is no longer addicted), but at that time, the trio was a repercussion for this story even when we spent our attention from the increasing threat of willow.

Nobody can deny that Warren accidentally shoots Tara is a tragic moment of activation, but this horrific scene brings us back to the permanent topic that humans are more dangerous than monsters. You can call a number of magic wings to protect from things that stumble at night, but no one can prevent Warren from appearing with a pistol and a strong witch. Lesson is clear: Men’s brutality is something that Bafi can never slaughter, which is something in Sunnydale and Everyone should be monitored forever.
If this looks dark, well … What did you expect from season 6?
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