Each season of avatar: last rank

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By sarajacob2424@gmail.com

water. land. fire. air. A long time ago, the four countries lived together in harmony. After that, everything changed when “Avatar: The Last Airbinder” was shown for the first time in 2005. Since then, the animation was not the same. Cartoon Nickelodion, as created by Michael Dante Dimartino and Brian Konitku, occurs in a fictional world inspired by Asian culture and legends. In the midst of her story, there is Aang (Zach Tyler Eisen), which is the latest embodiment of the familyMark Hamiel, who thought the show was very smart to stay on the air) Before he can overcome the world.

It didn’t take long for “Avatar: The Last Airbnder” to distinguish himself from other heavy official offers on her day (such as “Samurai Jack” and “Justice League Unlimited”) on her way to become one of the best and most unique American drawings of all time. Besides “Teen Titans”, “Avatar” helped generalize cartoons inspired by animation in the West and began discussions among fans about what even as anime qualifies. The series was also built on TV trends from the previous contract by telling a strong series of series characterized by some of the best brackets in modern imagination, along with deep topics that were not common on children’s TV (such as genocide, imperialism, and indoctrination), a huge global building , And traditions that extend for thousands of years. In short, “Avatar” sparked the arrival of a new era on the small screen, and is still a high level of what the means can do – especially on the network TV.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the first show of “Avatar” (which is still anyone Top -classified TV programs on IMDBLet us occupy its three short but task seasons.

3. Season 1

It takes a little the first season of “Avatar: The Last Airbnder” to find its rhythm, and does not reach the same heights that the follow -up seasons are making, but there are clear signs of greatness. The first season is the most cross out of the three, because it often revolves around Aang rejects his fate and insists on going in ridiculous adventures – such as penguins. It’s not even “Avatar” Season 1 episode “The Storm” The show is transmitted from being an enjoyable chain to a huge chain.

However, in the third episode alone, “Avatar” quickly shows that it is a cartoon that is not afraid that darkness and maturity will be, revealing that the entire Aang civilization has been eliminated from the map in a horrific moment that is appropriate in time today. There are also a lot of great episodes that are still silent like some of The best “Avatar” episodes in generalIncluding “The Blue Spirit” (directed by “Star Wars” Guru Dave Filoni), “The Warriors of Kyoshi” and “The Northern Air Temple”. These episodes begin to show the construction of the wide world of the series while still standing in their own stories. The first season also contains one of the best side characters in the exhibition: The Zhao is frightened, played by Jason Ishaq.

2. Season 3

A great reason for what “Avatar: The Last Airbnder” remains so popular with a great height. The conclusion of the four -part show is an ideal culmination of its subjects, personal arches and comprehensive story, however it is still Leave some puzzles that have not been resolved for other “Avatar” projects to solve. Even before the end, the third season simply raises the bet in every way. The comprehensive narration flows well, and we get amazing installments of two parts that act as small films (such as the invasion incident or the prison break).

The third season is also full of the main moments of science, among which is an introduction to the blood of blood, Firebending origins, and water our exposure to life before Aang in “The Avatar and the Fire Lord”. This greatly expanded the world and makes it part of a world that lived in the body. However, despite the increasing risks and urgency, “Avatar”, the third season, never loses humor. In fact, this season contains some of the funniest side stories in the entire width, which is independent comedy rings that include “FootLOOOSE”, a beach ring inspired by animation where the wicked poured their hearts and reflects chaos, and even fun. “The Ember Island Players”.

Moreover, the third season has the most wonderful work, with Zuko (Dante Basco) and Azula’s (Gray Griffin) Agni Kai at the end Being one of the best movement scenes in the history of animation (one of them has become better by composer Jeremy Zuckerman who offers his best work). In fact, there are a few offers that have a good degree such as “Avatar: The Last Airbinder”, and do not improve what they are in the third season.

1. Season 2

Yes, the second season is the best season of “Avatar: The Last Airbnder”. This is because it is the season with the best balance between the narration of the cross and the series, the development of personality, and the development of the plot. Many modern offers are forgotten a good independent episode, but this is not the case with the second season of “Avatar”. It may not have significant risks such as season 3, however, it has managed to have a greater feeling or urgency – Aang must find the EarthBend teacher to the next.

This is the season that focuses on the strongest focus on the political conspiracies of the Kingdom of the Earth, including injustice in its feudal system, its strong use of advertising, and huge inequality within the world. It is useful to spend the entire season in exploring the Kingdom of the Earth, and all its amazing sites have a completely different appearance – from the swamp to the desert and the big city.

However, what makes this season special is that every episode and an individual moment lights up instead of mixing together in the biggest stories. There are a lot of small independent stories that develop the comprehensive conspiracy of the season or the progress of some wonderful characters or science, such as the “Avatar Day” episode that revolves around the trial of the killing “, the blind band” that brings the wrestling to professionals to “Avatar” the world, and “the teacher” present Children in the West for the concept of chakras. Then there is “Zuko alone”, the golden standard for independent rings in each of this show and modern animation. The episode confirmed that the story of redemption in Zuko will not be easy or fast, but it is very satisfactory. It also gave us the IROH season (which was still expressed by the late, Mako Great in Season 2) the best moments of wisdom, and presented the best character in the exhibition: TOPH Beefong (Jesse Flaw).

Of course, the second season of “Avatar” has the most emotional and emotional moments in the entire show. There is “Tales of Ba Sing SE” (how many series can make fans tear with one song?) And the devastating IROH story, but also “Appa Lost”, which is a award -winning episode on animal cruelty. This is the best “Avatar” ever, and a testimony on the strength of TV animation.

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