The plural platform allows institutions to manage kubernetes groups in one place

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By [email protected]

When Sam Weaver was the deputy head of the products management in UNQORKI realize that the company needs a better way to manage its sprawling network of kubernetes groups – groups of computing nodes. When UNQORK could not find anything outside the shelf, he assembled a team of 15 people to build a kubernetes management product. Despite the expenditures worth millions of dollars, Waver said the resulting platform was fine.

“I am thinking about myself, there should be a better way to do this,” Waver told Techcrunch. “I mean, what we created was sufficient, but it was not in any way, and it took about two years to do the construction.”

Weaver (in the right picture) sat on the idea until Michael Gawreno, an engineer with prominent coins in companies including Amazon and Twitter – when he was still called it. When Wafer explained the problem of Guarino, he was surprised by his response: Garino believed that the case was relatively clear to solve it. Then Guarino built a better system in a few weeks.

That platform has become the basis for collection. The company platform integrates the institution’s kubernetes groups on one information panel to facilitate companies simplifying operations and managing these groups and spreading promotions from one central spot.

“Amnesty International in Plural could also make suggestions on improving the efficiency of the group or diagnosing scaling problems. The plural is the cloud and the LLM LLM.

Wafer said that hope is that the plural liberates the time for developers because they do not need to search for information or errors in their Kubernetes groups. He added that the company can help the teams run updates in hours instead of weeks.

“It reduces the operational expenditures by about 90 % is what we saw with users and customers,” Wifer said. “People are really excited because they are actually able to finish producing work.”

Wafer said that the timing of this solution is true. Over the past few years, companies have moved from the management of the Kubernetes Group to multiple – the direction of its acceleration of the rise of artificial intelligence.

“You have a lot of livestock around it that you can no longer deal with as individual groups,” Wifer said. “Until now, people have been taking a lot of open source tools from the ecosystem. There are 2000 projects in the Kubernetes ecosystem.”

The crowd was founded in 2021 and launched the original version of its platform shortly after. The company is now working with many institutions customers, in markets such as financial services and other organized industries, according to Weaver, although it refused to reveal specific names or numbers.

The startup recently raised a $ 6 million seed tour led by the basic project partners with the participation of Capital One Ventures and Companyi Ventures. Wafer said the team began to raise $ 3 million, but he ended up doubling his tour after he witnessed a strong request. The company wants to put the money towards deepening the capabilities of its products and eventually exploring the areas outside the kubernetes.

The plural is not alone in treating the extension of the kubernetes group. Among the competitors Loft LabsAn young company that raised 28.6 million dollars from the project financing, and Farm laboratoriesAn young company raised $ 95 million before obtaining it by Suse in 2020 for $ 600 million.

Waver believes that the biggest discrimination in Plural is his intention. He mentioned specifically the fact that the plural runs on the Gitops model, its product is hosted by every customer, and that each Kubernetes group has his artificial intelligence agent extending over it.

“The institution mainly has full control of how and the place to publish this thing,” Wifer said. “No data has been sent to the home. It is not the Saas service. We are heading down, focusing on continuing to add to the Kubernets management platform that we have, and there are still many things that we do.”,598

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