The original NAPSter came out of the work in 2001, but despite his short and early fiery life, The death of litigationA soldier has been made over the years, thanks to the most recent technology companies that yearn to take advantage of the legendary music brand.
Example: this month, NPPNIT It has been sold For $ 207 million for Metaverse, the infinite reality. on Its website on the InternetInfinite Really says it sells AI and XR services to companies and governments, including something called IR Studio, which provides users with the ability to create a “3D website without coding skills”.
What should the endless plan with NAPSter do? The company says it “will expand and imagine the Nabbatter, and enable artists through new capabilities for the audience and participation, supported by overwhelming technology in infrared, the tools operating on behalf of the public.”
What does this actually mean? The company’s press statement states that it plans to “convert NAPSter to the flow to a social and interactive music platform, and benefits from its overwhelming technology and the public network of indigenous fans digitally.” This means that the company will allow the masses to attend the concerts digitally through “the virtual three -dimensional spaces”, and artists will also give the opportunity to sell digital and material goods to the masses, according to the fans. Associated Press.
NAPSter has risen to the forefront as one of the file sharing platforms from counterpart to analogs during the first days of the Internet. He participated in its founding in 1999 by Sean Fanning and Shawn Parker (who will continue to become an early investor, then the first head of Facebook), the platform allowed users to share mp3 files for their favorite music. Unfortunately, the free NAPSter methods inevitably led to a large music piracy, and as a result, a lawsuit, which eventually led to its closure in 2001.
It was previously It was purchased in 2022 Through the two companies, HIVEMIND and Galgorand, which placed the platform on a humiliating road towards the integration of encryption. As such, the music sharing platform joins a harem of prominent brands that have been reviving for the promotion purposes of Web3. Among the other members are not lucky in this group, such as Radioshack (which has been purchased By Chefir Company In 2022), Gamestop (which led to the famous Wolstreitts failure) And Limoire.
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