The dispute began to put a Desktop design application This adds more customization to the customer. To start, the new application increases the number of free topics to four. Earlier, you can choose between sitting – light and dark – if you are not subscribed to Nitro, your options now are light, dark, dark and unyx. In short, everyone can access more dark topics. Discord also added three new options for the user interface density – virtual, wide and pressure. These are separate from the options for planning messages in the application, so it is another way to adjust the appearance and appearance of the interface.
With this design, the company finally gives users the option to change the size of the channel menu. Discord also re -designed controls that appear when they are in a voice or video call. Now, more buttons that you may want to press during the call will appear in the middle tape along the lower part of the screen. At the same time, the microphone and camera buttons are more colors, so you have a better indicator if you are silent or the camera is active.
"All of these updates aim to enhance clarity, reduce the feeling of visual noise, and maintain consistency via desktop and mobile devices," Explain the dispute.
Separately, the re -designed app with a new surgery says Discord says it is faster and will not affect the performance of the game. Take the page valve Re -designing the last steamDiscord has reformulated the interface about the needs, which means that you can move around each individual element as you like. The company also re -engineered the overlapping so as not to do so "Hook" Hell in games. As a result, it is unlikely to provoke anti -cheating systems such as Battleeye. In turn, this means that the new overlap is compatible with "A larger part of the most common games on the dispute." It is even possible to see a friend’s flow directly from the new overlap.
The designed application and arrival reaches after the CEO of Discord Jason Citron Declare Last May, the company will focus on building the best possible communication tool for players. In 2020, the dispute The brand was briefly renamed As a chat student for general purposes after many young people turned into the platform to stay in contact with their friends while securing it.
"After evaluating the world now after the epidemic has become behind us to a large extent, and learning directly from you about how the dispute could be more useful, we have realized the need to narrow our focus from being widely from the application of the chat consequences in society to being a place that helps people deepen their friendships about games and common interests,,," Citron wrote last year.
The update also reaches what could be a pivotal moment of the dispute. According to the hadith New York Times a reportThe company can be displayed early later this year. With 72 percent of Discord users regularly on a personal computer, ensuring that people care before the possible public subscription takes a sense of urgency.
This article originally appeared on Engadget on 60019822.html?
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