Aaron Ashmour treats Swangfil

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Aaron Ashmour You play Alison Mac‘s Love attention is on Smolville For three years – but did anything know about her involvement in NXIVM sex?

“It was beautiful. It was a very welcome and invitation,” Ashmura, 45, who played Jimmy Olsen in the COSTAR series, called for the previous Costar during Tuesday, March 25, a episode of Podcast “inside you”. And even her boyfriend Chad (Croshok)They were calling me to go to height and things. She was very great and she is a very good actress. “

Ashamor Mac, 42, praised in favor Being a “solid” scene partnerAdding, “It brings a lot to the character. It was great to get a chance to work with it because it made it easy.”

The Podcast Michael Rosnabum, who played the role in Smulville in the role of Lake Luther, assessed the conversation into Mac disputes – specifically The time of her imprisonment regarding NXIVM.

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Before there was arrowverse, there was a simolville. The series, which lasted for 10 seasons on WB and CW, was followed by a teenager Clark Kent (Tom Welling) in his early days as a child restricting the farm who lives with his adopted parents Martha (Annette Autol) and Jonathan Kent (John Schneider). In addition to developing his powers, (…)

“In the past, I remember some girls on a group – (including) some guest stars – all came and will be stunted socially. Maybe some of these things, but I have not really heard about them,” Ashtor explained about Mac’s contact with the sex package. “I went to a collection of text readings organized by Alison and her friends. Perhaps it was some of that (that) but (I didn’t know).”

Ashmour said that his jaw was “on the ground” when he was Mass Legal cases have emerged. “I knew Alison well for these three years,” he said. “We have worked together and nothing in her personality led me to believe that none of this was possible. It looked like an alternative fact.”

In 2018, Mac was arrested for allegedly employing women in the sex group trafficking in order to become a sexual slave of her leader, Keith RanierIn addition to defrauding identity and money laundering. “The victims were exploited, both sexually and for their work, for the benefit of the defendants,” the United States’ lawyer Richard B. Donogo He said in a statement at that time.

Aaron Ashmour did not know anything about Alison Mac worship while working with her for 3 years about whether reading the scenario is more

Alison Mac, Aaron Ashmour in “Smolville”. Warner Brothers Television / Corner Evertt Collection

Court documents obtained before US weekly It revealed that Mac – who was famous for playing Chloe Smolville From 2001 to 2011 – Women are recruited to NXIVM By describing it as a “women’s empowerment group or a women’s club.” After joining, the members were forced to “provide (NXIVM) with nude photographs, assets, criminal confessions and other harmful information, known as warranty.”

The documents also stated that Mack “will perform celebrations as her slaves were described” as the first letters of Raniere. Mack was released on a batch of $ 5 million at that time and was sentenced to arrest. It changed its approval not guilty in 2019 to a comet in conspiracy and extortion after the founder of NXIVM, Nancy SalzmanAnd her daughter, Lauren SalzmanBoth acknowledged that he was guilty of the accusation of blackmailing one month ago.

Meanwhile, Ranier was sentenced to 120 years in prison behind bars in October 2020 after being convicted of seven criminal charges related to sex trafficking for children, conspiracy and conspiracy to commit forced work. He said NBC News At that time he was “innocent” of his crimes.

Mac I apologize to NXIVM victims In Statement 2021 to weHe admitted that she “committed serious mistakes,” adding, “I threw myself in the teachings of Keith Ranier with everything I had. I thought, sincerely, that his guidance was leading me to a better and more enlightened version of life.

Mac was sentenced to three years in prison in June 2021. The prison sentence began in September 2021 before obtaining an early edition in July 2023.

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