The mayor of Istanbul, detained imamoglu denies the charges of “terrorism”: Report | News protest

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By [email protected]

Istanbul’s detained mayor ECREM IMMAMOGL The charges of “terrorism” denied the charges against it, according to a Reuters news agency.

The document said: “I see today, during my interrogation, that my colleagues and I have faced unimaginable accusations and conditions.”

Later on Saturday, IMamoglu reached the Caglayan Court, where the prosecutors were to be interrogated, a City Hall spokesman said. IMamoglu will appear before the court on Sunday, when the judge is expected to decide whether to be imprisoned or released.

The mayor, a major opposition figure and a potential competitor to the president for a long time, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was held on Wednesday due to the alleged corruption and “terrorism”.

His detention came four days before the CHP plans to name his name as a presidential candidate in 2028.

On Saturday, Erdogan accused the leadership of the Republican People’s Party to transform the party into “a device to exempt a handful of municipal thieves who blinded money.”

He also accused her of “doing everything to disturb public peace, to attract the nation.”

The appearance of the court

Stephanie Decker from Al -Jazeera from Ankara said that Imamoglu will be transferred from the police custody to the judicial custody on Saturday.

She said: “We understand that he will take a health examination with 100 or so on who is also charged, after which he will be transferred to the court. So he will be interrogated by the prosecutor later tonight.”

She added: “Then tomorrow morning, he appears before the judge, and the judge will issue a ruling on whether … he was released without charge, he was released while waiting for the trial or suspended trial.”

“Feeling of falling”

IMamoglu’s arrest has sparked a wave of protests that spread within 48 hours to more than two -thirds of the TURKIYE 81 provinces, even including the strongholds of the ruling Justice and Development Party in Erdogan, such as the central area of ​​Konya, Trabzon and Rize on the Black Sea.

Justice Minister Yelmaz Tonk told reporters this week that the arrests have nothing to do with the government. He said: “Linking the investigations and cases that the judiciary started to our president is, at best, supposed and inappropriate.”

The Erdogan Communications Directorate also said that the presidency will continue to defend it against what was called a “irrational distortion campaign.”

Despite the prohibition of protests and the presence of heavy police, huge crowds of demonstrators moved to the streets.

Turkiye witnessed a fourth consecutive night of the protests on Saturday.

“The feeling of the economy – economically, socially, politically and even culturally – was already spread,” Kimal Kan, a journalist and author of many books on Turkish society, told news agency.

But Erdogan still maintains support in many parts of the government that trusts the government because of the history of the country’s divisive and polarized environment.

IMamoglu has been said to have sparked a strong reaction, “especially among young people who are concerned about their future in a country where freedoms are increasingly restricted. It is a reaction that goes beyond Imamoglu.”

“This is not only related to the correct letter of the Communist Party, but for everyone. The question is whether Turkey will live under an authoritarian system or be a democratic state,” said Ilhan Ozjeel, who deals with the party’s external relations.

In an attempt to highlight the non -partisan nature of the protest movement, the Republican People’s Party called on all Turks, not only the party members, to join its symbolic first vote on Sunday when IMamoglu is called the party’s presidential candidate.

Imamoglu praised the protests and said in a post on Saturday that they were aiming to protect “democracy” as an “inspiration” for the world.

Protest campaign

Turkish police They took strict measures against the demonstrators.

Officials said 343 people have been arrested in the demonstrations so far, which witnessed hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the largest Turkiye cities in a huge challenge show.

On Saturday, detention orders were issued to 94 suspects accusing them of publishing “provocative” invitations to protest and create the general “panic”, and the Turkish News Agency transferred to Istanbul’s Prosecutor’s Office as saying.

The police conducted simultaneous raids, detained 56 suspects, and searching for 38 others, according to Anadolu, adding that the authorities had also seized illegal drugs during search of suspects’ homes.

An investigation against Eamoglu is part of a comprehensive probe that included 106 suspects on corruption and calls for “terrorism”.

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