In November, Google said it would take place "exam" In eight European countries that would Delete the results from news publishers of the European Union For a small percentage of users. The results are present and the survey He says The news has no meaningful financial value for the company. but "General experience" It was barely to be a scientific curiosity. European copyright law He says that the company should pay publishers to use scraps from articles, and Google is likely to use data to try to install the negotiating influence of news Outlets.
"During our negotiations to comply with European publishing rights (EUCD), we saw a number of inaccurate reports that exaggerate the value of the news content to Google significantly" The company wrote frankly in its blog publication explaining the experience results. "The results are now: European news content in research has no measurable effect on Google’s advertising revenues."
Google Ball Liu said that when the company removed news content from one percent of users in Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, no change in advertising revenues and only 0.8 percent decreased in use. (Initially included France, but a court warned the company that it would break a previous agreement and face fines, so it retreated.) Leo concludes that "Any wasted use of inquiries that were born less or non -existent."
Techcrunch Notes Google is on a thin line here. I have already faced anti -monopoly fines in France due to the content of the news, and Germany intensifies pressure on the company’s news licensing tactics. None of the countries were eventually included in "an experience."
The company has a long history of using a potential withdrawal of vision as a bishop negotiations in similar situations (with success in some cases), including tests in Canadaand California Australia. In the latter case, Aussie grit: After Google He threatened to remove the entire search engine from the countryThe minister of bullets at that time, Scott Morrison, said, "Let me be clear. Australia sets our rules for things you can do in Australia." The bill has been passed and a year, and Google to hit He deals with Australian media companies to license content. And yes, Google Search is still available down.
This article was originally appeared on Engadget on Ad-Edbushing-161103352.html?
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