9-1-1 Aisha Hinds to direct my mother Bobby, Hayat Pak, more

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By [email protected]

9-1-1 star Aisha Hindes She was completely at a challenge of making it for the first time in the eighth season in the eighth season – but that it controls the camera for sure with her own fears.

“I was tense to photograph the entire thing,” I told Hinds, 49, exclusively US weekly With laughter. “Just because I had no scale. I had no feeling what I did not know, because I didn’t do it before. So, while everyone was very supportive and encouraging in me,” You know more than you think, “I didn’t know exactly how these things manifest and wherever the application of things that I know will be used in the best way in service.”

Hindes climbed to the director’s chair for the first time for episode 11 of the eighth season, entitled “Holy Mother of God”, which was broadcast on Thursday 20 March.Peter Crawn) The separate mother, Ann (Leslie Anne WarrenOn the series, details of the troubled relationship of the husband and the past.

While the story line was huge for any director for the first time, Hindes said that the preparatory process was very useful in giving it some confidence that was intense and “encouraged”.

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Fox/Sky Witness/Kobal/Shutterstock: This story contains two spoilers from Monday March 6, Episode 9-1-1. Show the status quo. He left the premiere of the mid-season film 9-1-1, the life of Ivan Bakli, hanging in the balance-an event, Oliver Stark, will get the rest of 118. “We have seen these first respondents and our closest (…)

“I got the shadow of two different people to see their entry points and how they deal with the story,” she explained. “Each of them led to the house the concept that you left this story is just a compass. This was the thing that helped me this kind of putting the things that I knew in its place and the things that feared me … and the first day in which I appeared on my first collection and opened what I wanted to do with the blocking and allowed the story to the evidence by divorced this somewhat of feeling that.”

Advice from a few directors and friends – including the offer Tim Mineer – It was useful, but Hindes noticed that there were still days in the process that found itself “stumbled”. Several scenes of the episode were filmed in a huge image, for example, called for a wide amount of additions.

“The church was one of the things that feared me because there are 400 additions! Thus there are many moving parts,” she added. “You know all these additions, you have big cranes, you have four cameras going at the same time. You have a choir. You have the main actress, Leslie Anne Warren, who gives us her amazing spirit at that stage … she is slightly different from the scene of two or two people talking.”

911s Aisha Hinds on dealing with Bobbys Mom Bucks Love Life as a director

Leslie Ann Warren, Sean Oberian Disney/Christopher Williad

The challenges are aside, the scenes between Bobby and his mother were some of the Hindes forts to shoot.

“The entire story line (from) Bobby’s mother returns to his life through the church was very deep for me,” I told me we. “As a person drowned in my personal faith and my belief, one of those things I really enjoyed was to exfoliate layers and see his doubts and some of the resentment that accumulated and the shock that I felt surrounding the separation from his family.”

And she continued, “Therefore, I liked to empty this story in an actual time because they were suffering from this intense reunion that was truly beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and weak for everyone.

Oliver Stark, 9-1-1
Disney/Christopher Williad

Bobby, of course, was not the only person who works through his issues during the “Holy Mother of God”. After eight seasons of fans, Back (Oliver StarkI finally faced the issue of whether it was He has romantic feelings Best friend Eddie (Ryan Joseman). The topic has arose by previous Tommy (Buck (Le Ferreno Junior), Who returns to Rumb after one night, and I asked him again later by Back’s sister, Madi (Jennifer Loew Hoyette). Back denied these accusations, although Tommy or material seemed completely convinced.

Hindz knew, for her part, that the topic would be a milestone for the offer and felt “of course” pressure for justice – for the viewers and for her intimate friends, Stark, 33, and Joshman, 37.

“It has been well documented that I have a very close relationship with Oliver outside the screen, and even with Ryan. This is what our fans wanted to hear loudly and empty, as you know? And so I love,” O comrades, why do you give me this responsibility? “Because they will now look at me as a person who makes a decision on how this story will go!”

All jokes aside, I love Hindes that 9-1-1 The writing team was able to “listen, listen and speak” to part of the Back story that “a lot of People are invested in.”

911s Aisha Hinds on dealing with Bobbys Mom Bucks Love Life as a director

Aisha Hinds, Peter Crawr, Kenneth Choi Disney/Christopher Williad

She said: “It is a healthy order that Pak has the opportunity to share his reality and share in his place and what is happening.” “It is for me to express his thoughts and what he believes that it may happen or not happen, and that a material is the ship to say out loud. Many people want to say or think. And so on. It is treated conversation.”

Hindes noted that the actors were the ones who “took the scarf” and took the situation with “beautiful weakness, originality and honesty”, as she looks to see where the story goes after.

I told his emotional life, “There is a lot to explore with Back, his heart and his emotional life.” we. “I only hope that in the coming seasons, we will be able to do this in a way that really honors it and the trip that it had since the first season.”

As for the first -class offers presented by the actors’ team, Hinds rushed to give all the credit to her colleagues from her colleagues in their talents, but she was deeply able to support and dedicate them to ensure that they presented the best possible episode.

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Disney/Chris Williad 9-1-1 Season Eight is on his way, and there is about to be the main drama about 118. After he canceled Fox at the end of its sixth season, 9-1-1 was found a house on ABC for the seventh season.

“I think we are sharing a very profound relationship between us as characters, and we excel the camera as a president and friends. There is a deep friendship and deep confidence between us. They were really supportive and they want me and wanted the best in this episode, as much as I did for me,” she explained. “So they all appeared to do their best and beyond. Whether it is for me or this only serves the stories and their characters, I am grateful.”

For Hinds, it was just a treatment to be able to see Costars from a new perspective.

“While we were going through this process, I was very happy and very grateful to watch them work from the other side of the camera and a kind of luxury in some of the options they make,” Tell us, “and you monitor how they build these offers from week to week.

New episodes from 9-1-1 Season 8 Air Air on ABC Thursday at 8 pm East time.

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