8 best exercises to calm any kind of exercise

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By [email protected]

Of all the elements in the exercise menu, the most ignorant often is the slowdown. It is understandable: I have prepared, I did some WorkforceAnd some came out the heart. Follow all this work with more slowdown exercises, regardless of how easy or fun can look excessive.

However, from lowering the heart rate to your muscle oxygen, there are many reasons that make you devote part of the exercise to cool. If you don’t know where to start, try these eight exercises.

1. Light, low -impact heart

Two friends walk on the bridge Walking for running

This is the simplest slowdown ever. After exercise, perform three to five minutes Low -density Love Walkingand blasphemyOr Biking.

If possible, try to avoid highly influential exercise such as running or running as a slowdown: the effect puts pressure on your joints that tend to accompany you instead of calming you.

2. Plex Yoga


  • Suppose the payment position: hands and your feet balls on the ground-both in the shoulder width-directly from the heels to the crown of your head.
  • Keep your back flat, arms and legs straight, lift the hips as much as possible, assume Staff, dog landing. Hold a deep breath.
  • Your right foot step forward, put it on the ground on the right of your right hand. Your knee should be stacked above your ankle. If your own Hip Limited, just seize your leg with your hand and take it out.
  • Correct your left leg and down the hips as much as possible, and keep a deep breath.
  • Return to the dumping dog. Hold a deep breath.
  • Repeat the sequence above, this time you enter your left foot forward, breathing deeply in every situation. After completing the entire series on both sides, go back to the standing position, then repeat it, and run through the entire Plex Yoga – both sides – a total of four to five times.

3. Wolf rush

  • From the place of payment, your right foot step forward and put it on the ground on the right of your right hand (your right knee should be near your right shoulder).
  • Correct your left leg as possible and keep it there throughout this step. Rightly shine muscles.
  • You reach your right hand under your body as if you were trying to touch something on the floor near the left hip.
  • You reach your right hand up and back behind you, which extends your fingers to the ceiling. Pull the right shoulder blade again towards the spine.
  • Performing 10 actors, switching sides, and repeating.

4. Stretch stable

The coach does the dog down Why should children do yoga

Stretch It is when the muscles gradually extend and possess them for a long period of time. It is useful for improving flexibility and cooling after exercise.

Hold any – or all of the places in the yoga pique sequence (rushand Below the dogand Bend forwardFor 30 to 60 seconds. These moves can be one of the most effective slowdown exercises if you breathe completely while trying to deepen every exhalation.

But if you feel upset in any other muscle groups, such as ShoulderSpend some time stretching in those parts of your body.


  • Place a mat on the floor with one of its edges that touch the feet of the wall. Sit on a matty wall.
  • Lie the carpet, and raise your legs so that the appearance of calves, thighs and heels is pressed on the wall (you will look as if you are “sitting” on the wall with your back on the floor).
  • Keep your head, top of the back, carrots in contact with the ground, your legs and trap on the wall, correct your knees and fold your feet as much as possible. (If you cannot keep your ass on the wall with a deficit on the floor, then slide a few inches away from the wall.)
  • Hold for up to three minutes, then spread your legs in a line (as wide as possible) and repeat.

6. The wall rocks

  • Slide back from the place shown above so that you can put your feet on the wall with your knees and hips both bent 90 degrees.
  • Slowly shook your knees left and right, stretching the lower back and hips. Continue, move slowly side by side, for up to three minutes.

The coach does Savasana Calm the exercise

  • Lie your back in a quiet place and close your eyes.
  • Focus on your breathing, monitor the speed and depth of each soul without changing it in any way.
  • On every exhalation, relax deeper into the ground.
  • If your mind wanders, it will be focused on your breath.
  • Continue for up to 10 minutes.

8. Egoscue static back publicers

  • Lie your back with your lower legs high on a chair, sofa, Ottoman or air step. There should be a 90 -degree angle between the hips and the spine, and between your lower and upper legs.
  • While you are in a fixed back position, expand your hands on the center of your chest.
  • Keep the elbows straight, lower your arms in the flat sky, try to touch the ground with the thumb sides of your hands.
  • Reflecting this step and repeating two to three groups from 20 to 30 actors.
  • After finishing Pulloves, stay in a fixed back position for another five to seven minutes.

Why slowdown exercises are important

A man that extends a quadruple in the forest Calm the exercise

The truce may not burn many calories or build a lot of muscles, but this does not mean that you must skip them. Here is what is evaluating you.

1. They are your body oxygen

Intensive exercise increases Muscle order on oxygen. During exercise, the fresh oxidized blood, which is carried by the pulsating strength of your heart, rushes to your muscles. For the return trip, it is the frequent pumping of your muscles that pushes the loyal blood of the oxygen towards your heart and lungs.

When you go beyond slowing exercises after exercise, you can close the muscle pump. This leads to the gathering of blood in your limbs, and your mind may deprive your oxygen, which leads to the appearance of loss, and in extreme cases, loss of consciousness. (If you feel dizzy in the bathroom after exercise, this may be the reason.)

The cooling extends to the duration of the muscle pump, pushes the blood back towards the brain, and allow the fresh oxidized blood to return to your muscles.

2. They jump the recovery

The work does not make you stronger – Recovery after exercise He does. Put a strong strength or heart disease session, muscles, stacks and connective tissues Slight damage – Microscopic tears – that your body is then scrambled to fix. Getting fresh blood in damaged muscles after the hard exercise helps start this process faster, so you are ready for your next exercise.

3. It provides a perfect window for expansion

From ever noticed the extent The light extends? Movement brings heat and fluids to the muscles and connective tissues, which makes it longer, softer, and more flexible. This is true double after an intense exercise.

So there is no better time to extend your muscles after an arduous exercise session. The range of movement in your joints is at its peak, so you are likely to be able to stretch more in difficult periods, with minimal risk of infection.

4. They reduce stress

You often put chronic work, family and pressure in life in a “semi -continuous” fighting “journey: short heart, palm trees, and shallow breathing.

Reducing the level of your voltage, focusing on breathing deeply, slowing the heart rate, and even closing your eyes and disinfecting your mind after the difficult exercise, all stimulate the opposite, and the opposite response, “comfort, repair, and digesting” from your nervous system, which is a very quiet condition that helps us find greater clarity and peace.

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