Orlando police have regained two sets of earrings worth 769,500 dollars (597,000 pounds) after it was swallowed up by the alleged thief more than two weeks ago.
Police said that Jaythan Giller, 32, swallowed Tiffany and Co. earrings while he was detained on February 26.
Mr. Gilder was monitored by investigators at Orlando Hospital for “more than ten days” before the earrings were expelled from his regime, according to the Orlando Police Administration.
Mr. Gilir faces charges of stealing with a great mask and theft in the first class.
Tiffany has since cleaned the earrings.

Police claim that Mr. Gilder has been launched as an assistant player in the American Professional League so that he can be shown “very high -end jewelry” in the top figure room in the Tiffany and Co. Store in Orlando, Florida on February 26.
It is claimed that Mr. Gilir diverted the attention of the employees, then ran from the store with a couple of earrings. The suspect also appears to drop a $ 587,000 diamond ring as he escapes from the store.
When the officers fell with him later that day, they saw Mr. Gilder “swallowed many things that were believed to be stolen earrings,” the police said.
CBS News, the BBC, stated that officials who transferred Mr. Giller to prison heard him say: “I should have taken them out of the window,” said the CBS, the American partner in the BBC.
In prison, it was claimed that Mr. Gilir asked the employees, “Will I go to what is in my stomach?”

The police later released the X -rays that appeared to appear the individual’s belly with a foreign body inside.
The Orlando Police Administration said they took Mr. Gilir to the region’s hospital and watched it for two weeks until the earrings were recovered.
Detective Aaron Jose said the case “quickly turned into a marathon, not a race.”
On March 12, the police said they recovered Tiffany and his fourth.
And Mr. Jose said that when the earrings were returned to Tiffany, Sayygh confirmed that serial numbers on jewelry match stolen pieces.
Gilder is currently reserving in Orange County Prison.
The police claim that its criminal history shows the 2022 robbery in the Tiffany & Co store in Texas.
There are 48 separate commands to arrest him in Colorado.
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