Most people believe that they are eating a balanced diet – but a recent survey conducted by MyFitnessPal suggests otherwise.
Every year, you are looking to scan MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ in the extent of people understanding the basics of nutrition.
While we celebrate the month of national nutrition, the latest survey reveals sudden gaps in Americans’ understanding of basic nutrition.*
Whoever needs protein to eat fiber and moisturize hidden sugars, many people neglect the main factors that can affect the goals of their weight and general health.
I wonder if your diet is balanced as you think? Here are five signs that may not be – and what you can do about it.
1. You feel constantly tired or low on energy
Feeling joy or fatigue during the day? Your diet may be missing in calories or major nutrients such as proteinOr iron or essential vitamins.
The latest MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ poll shows that many respondents in the poll believe that their meals contain calories and protein more than they really do.*
If you do not get enough protein and calories, your body begins to break the muscles and fats of energy, causing fatigue and weakness (1).

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Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and another major cause of power decreased (2). Without enough iron, anemia can develop, reduce oxygen to your tissue and let you feel tired and weak (3).
Other palaces, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc, also lead to fatigue (3).
Nutrition specialist advice
It aims to a diverse and colored diet. It includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and protein sources such as meat, eggs, beans and nuts.
If the iron is a source of anxiety, add foods such as spinach, lentils, sugar or sardines. The pair of the iron sources based on the plant with vitamin C (such as pressing lemon juice on spinach) to increase the absorption of iron (4).
To support your daily energy, don’t forget to give priority to sleep and exercise as well.
If you think you have a lack of nutrients, talk to a registered nutritionist or nutritionist to get personal advice.
2. Your digestion is irregular or uncomfortable
Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or irregular bowel movements may be your body’s way to tell you that they need more fiber (5).
The MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ poll explains that many respondents mainly link the fibers with bowel movements instead of their other benefits.*
But the fibers are not only about regularity. Various types of fiber help you keep you full, support the diversity of the intestine and the diversity of microbium, and help manage blood sugar and cholesterol (blood and cholesterol levels (5).
Despite its many benefits, more than 90 % of Americans may not get enough (6). They may only consume about half of the recommended minimum daily (25 grams for women and 38 grams for men) (6).
If you have frequent digestive problems, it is likely that it is time to rethink the fibers and make it a priority in your diet.

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Nutrition specialist advice
It consumes at least 25-40 grams of fiber per day. The US Department of Agriculture recommends at least 25 grams of fiber daily for women and 38 grams for men. Start by increasing the amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your diet. Drink a lot of water to help move the fibers through the digestive system and prevent discomfort.
A lot of good thing can be a bad thing! Some people can carry 50 grams of fiber or more daily (7). But eating excessive fibers without sufficient fluids may cause diarrhea, bloating, gas and other problems of the digestive system (5).
If you still have digestion problems after getting enough fiber and fluids, or if the symptoms are severe, see the doctor. They can help exclude any basic reasons.
3. You face mood swings or craving sugar
Do you often feel emotion, or suffer from a craving for sugar, or struggle with a low mood? These feelings can be linked to your diet.
The reason for consuming many added sugars and balanced meals may be the cause.
Studies indicate that eating a lot of added sugar can lead to long -term health problems. This includes mood disorders such as depression (8and 9).
Low mood, irritation, and sugar passion can also stem weak blood sugar, deficiency in nutrients, or the need for a dopamine batch (10and 11).
When facing these challenges, your mind may yearn for sugary foods as a quick solution, causing an endless cycle of its highest levels of sugar (12and 13and 14).
The problem may be exacerbated by the lack of awareness of daily nutrition.
89 % of myfitnessPal nutrition IQ survey said that they do not know their daily eating of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, sugar and salt.*
Without this understanding, it is easy to make bad nutritional choices. This can lead to more mood swings, irritation, and intense desire.
Nutrition specialist advice
Be familiar with eating nutrients and setting priorities Balanced meals And snacks. The protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates are mixed to maintain the blood sugar level – think about grilled chicken with quinoa and avocado.
Reducing sugars added to less than 25 grams per day (7). Check the food stickers to avoid added sugars, especially in sauces, dressings, grains and snacks. Getting rid of additives and artificial sweeteners for only two weeks may help reduce the desire for sugar (15and 16).
Besides nutrition, save time to exercise, manage stress and sleep quality to keep your energy and stable mood (17and 18and 19).
If you are still struggling with severe mood problems or intense sugar, then talk to a registered nutritionist or nutritionist to obtain personal advice.
4. Your weight fluctuates a lot
If your weight tends to Yo-Yo, take a look at comprehensive eating habits.
Do you overcome meals, avoid some foods or food groups, or rely on treatment and comfort options?
Unplanned weight changes, such as acquisition or loss, often come from Calorie Or nutrients (20).
The MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ poll showed that 65 % of the respondents feel the total loss when managing their weight. However, only 23 % say they calculate calories every day.*
Also, many respondents said they guess the sizes of parts instead of the weight of their food.* This can lead to errors in meeting nutrition and Calories.
Nutrition specialist advice
Record your meals It can help Tracking calories and eating nutrients To determine the areas of improvement. In reality, 87 % of myfitnessPal Nutrition IQ stated that the ability to accurately register food that they consume will help them to monitor food/calories.*
For accuracy, use tools such as food standards, measurement cups, and parts of part. While moving? use Directory of “useful” parts.
While calories are important for weight loss or gains, the type of food is also important (21). Choose full foods and treatment the minimum the more possible.
Adherence to the regular meals schedule may help in weight management (22). Skiping meals is randomly different from exercise constantly Intermittent fasting.
Of course, exercise, sleep and stress are also decisive factors in weight management.
If you are having a problem with weight changes, talk to the registered dietitian. It can give you advice and personal support.
5. You are often sick or have a frequent headache
Repeated diseases or normal headaches may indicate food gaps.
The MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ poll shows that many respondents do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. This gap may affect immunity and public health.*
Fruits and vegetables are major sources of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for immune system functions (23).
Vitamins A, C, D, E and B vitamins, as well as minerals such as zinc, iron, copper and selenium, work together. It helps to maintain strong physical barriers and increase immune cell activity (23).
Research indicates that the presence of enough nutrients is the key to strong immune response (23). The perfect nutrition also helps reduce migraines (24).
Moisturizing is another major factor in immune and headache.
On average, the respondents in the survey reported only 6 water cups per day, according to the last MyfitnessPal Nutrition IQ.* This is less than the recommended preparation At least 8 cups It is compatible with the results of the past years.
Drinking enough water supports microbiome a healthy intestine, which enhances your immune system and helps your body fight infections (25).
Dehydration, on the other hand, can contribute to headaches and headache disorders (exacerbation)26).
Nutrition specialist advice
To improve immunity and reduce the risk of headache, a diet rich in nutrients. It aims to include at least 5 stakes of vibrant colored fruits and vegetables. Once this goal is maintained, it aims to 10 servings per day (27).
Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure that you get a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Try to combine leafy vegetables, berries, citrus fruits, and cruciate vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels buds daily.
In addition, drink at least 8 cups of liquid daily. Unlikely varieties of water, coffee, tea, and silver water, Coconut waterMilk are suitable options. You can also combine moisturizing foods such as cucumber, watermelon and orange to enhance fluid intake.
In addition to diet, exercise, sleep and stress management are the key to the strong immune system (28and 29and 30). It may also help reduce headaches (31and 32).
Consult a doctor if you have concerns about the immune system or headache.
The bottom line
If you get to know any of these signs on an unbalanced diet, it is time to take a closer look at how to eat. Track with MyfitnessPal application It can help you see where you stand.
But if making major changes on your diet simultaneously feels arduous, start with deliberate small steps. It can have a simple disk such as promoting protein or fiber, drinking enough water, or focusing on foods rich in nutrients a major effect!
Do you get it right? Take myfitnessPal feeding test To find out.
*Note: This article focuses on an IQ feeding poll conducted by MyFitnessPal with results from the United States only; However, we also have results from the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia that have not been included here.
Pamphlet 5 signs your diet may not be balanced as you think First appear on MyfitnessPal Blog.
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