1 high to keep 20 years

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By [email protected]

Many of the names of the stock market names are traded in 2025. As a result, S & P 500 (Snpindex: ^Gspc) The market index decreased by 7 % of the highest level in February, and many investors retreat from risky growth shares.

But the wet blanket did not cover both Wall Street. There are a few wonderful growth shares actually rising this year, and you should consider getting a few shares before you rise.

For example, Celsius ownership (Nasdaq: Celh) It looks like a long -term investment at the present time, but you may need to be patient with some pits and bumps along the way. As of March 20, its share increased by 17.8 % in 2025 and 46.8 % of distribution -based decrease last summer.

I cannot promise you that Celsius Holdings will rise in 2025, or next year. but Energy drinking competitor It seems that he has hit the nerve with its healthy alternatives. Classic insulation Monster (Nasdaq: mnst) And Red Bull may be a third dangerous component.

Kelissius is not yet, of course. Last year was a difficult partner in distribution Pepsico Hold his percentage requests for several months. Its share of the American energy drink market diminished from 8.1 % at the end of 2023 to 7.3 % in the last quarter of 2024. The total number of revenues of the fourth quarter decreased by 4 % on an annual basis, although an increase of 39 % in international sales.

This is the key for Celsius in the long run. International sales in the last report reached only 6.1 % of total revenue, an increase of 4.2 % in the time period. The administration only started worrying at the external opportunity. The company added the BENELUX region to the goals of its distribution this week, after previous introductions in France, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Canada was a simple targeted market for years.

The company draws the global map slowly. There are many possible profitable areas that have left unexpected, and those that have a percentage presence that has a lot of sales growth and local marketing to do.

This company explores opportunities abroad from a different angle from the large competitors Red Bulls and Monster.

  • Red Bull runs its global distribution network with local production and shipping facilities in most countries.

  • The monster has a global partnership with coca colaBenefit from the experience of distributing the giant soft drinks around the world.

  • The Celsius’ Pepsico deal only covers the United States and Canada yet. Other countries are treated on the map of the distribution of this energy drink expert by the Japanese drink giant Santory drinks and food.


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